16 AUGUST 1986, Page 17


Sir: The Liberals' dirty tactics (James limes, 'The success of smelly Elly', 26 July), so startlingly undenounced by Dr David Owen, can misfire. In Surbiton we have a hung council, Alliance rule depend- ing on Labour acquiescence. The Liberals, militantly left-wing (somehow we never seem to hear from the SDP contingent), have been trying, unsuccessfully, to proc- laim a nuclear-free zone and a women's committee. So unpleasant were their tac- tics in the recent elections, so bitter were the wounds inflicted by them on the Labour Party that the members of the latter simply will not play ball, even for things they want. This presages ill for Liberal hopes in the event of a hung Parliament.

David Steel reminds me of King David who was always dropping broad hints to his cronies that they should do his dirty work, only to denounce them vigorously once they had done it.

Audrey Parry

71 Berrylands, Surbiton, Surrey