16 AUGUST 2008, Page 44


Going cold turkey

Janet de Botton

August. Holidays. Sun. Relaxation. Sleep. No bridge. Withdrawals. Hysteria. Aaaaaaaaaagh. I get August anxiety in early February so why do I go on holiday? Well, my children insist, my shrink insists – and my bridge partner insists.

Custer’s last stand is the heavy-duty Chairman’s Cup held annually in Sweden the last week of July. How I savour every moment. This year we got knocked out in the semi-final by the Swedish National Team who were the eventual winners. We had to make do with watching the final on Vu-Graph and saw them find this stunning defence against 3NT.

Dealer North All Vul West led 410 and declarer took stock, no doubt noting the possible blockage in the club suit. He won the 4J and played a club to the King which held. Wanting to play the second round of clubs from hand, to cater for West having #A 10 x, he tried a diamond to the Queen but West won and pressed on with Ace and another spade. Declarer played a second club to dummy’s Queen and East’s key moment had arrived. The Vu-Graph commentators pointed out that East must take his Ace or the club suit would not be blocked. Then it was noticed that if East cashes the defence’s good spade, South can discard the blocking club from hand. A moment later someone else said that if East exits a heart or a diamond, declarer can scramble four tricks in the red suits to go with three clubs and two spades. Just as they had finished their analysis, East won the Ace and returned the 410 for one down and a round of applause.

And now it’s August. Pass the straitjacket someone.