16 DECEMBER 1843, Page 7



• Last night's Gazette contains the proclamation for further proroguing Parliament from the 19th instant, and summoning it to meet for the despatch of business on the 1st of February.

The Gazette also announces that Sir Robert Sale has been appointed to the full Colonelcy of the Thirteenth Light Infantry; in which the greater part of his long period of service has been spent. Each officer in the regiment is advanced a step.

Another announcement is the appointment of "her Majesty's Attor- ney-General for the island of Hong-kong "—Mr. Paul Ivy Sterling.

The Bank of England issued yesterday a further notice respecting sovereigns. On and after the 2d January next, the Bank will receive gold coin below the current legal weight, in sums of not less than 51., at the rate of 3/. 17s. qd. per ounce ; [the rate assumed in the tables noticed in our last Postscript ;] and the Branch Banks will receive it at the same rate, deducting the cost of transmission to London.