16 DECEMBER 1843, Page 8



On time 2d December, at Ruswarp House. near Whitby. the Lady of loszeu CAMPION, Esq., of a daughter.

Oa the 3d. in litestrode Street, Cavendish Square. the Lady of Professor Rona, M.D., F.R.S., of a sou.

On the 6th. at Chapel Park, Badenoch, N B., the Lady of Jives MACPHERSON, Esq., of a son. • • •• , . • On the 6th. at Balrath House, county Meath, the Lady of RICHARD WALSH, Esq., of

a sou and heir. - . . .

On the 7th, at Clarens, on the Lake of Geneva, the Lady of the Hon. Captain

FREDERICK PELHAM. R N., oC a daughter. . • On the teli. at Westover, Isle Of Wight, the Lady of the H011. WIL/JAM A'COUITO HOLMES, M.P., Of a son. - On the 8th. the Wife of Joan WALTER, junior, Esq., of Bearwood. of a daughter. ' On the 9th, at 11 irking Vicarage. the Hon. Mrs. Hoaxer LIDDELL, of a son. .

Ou the 9th, the Lady of W. H. HULL, Esq , of !darlpool House, near Exmouth, of a son and heir.

Ou the 10th. at Bridge House, Hendon, Middlesex, the Lady of Plums CHAMPION TOILER. Esq.. of a BOII. • On the 11th, the Lady of Keux-rr Lova, Esq., of Duuston Hall, Norfolk, of a sou.


Oa the 20th October, at the Cathedral. Calcutta. EMMA. eldest daughter Of THOMAS. E. M. TUMOR. Esq., Registrar of the Supreme Court. to FRANCIS Emmett TIMPLI11.;• EMI.. of Her Ma;esty's Regiment, and only son of F. J. Templer. Esq., of Columho, Ceylon. On the 2811, November, at ',landfill° Church. the Rev. JOHN WILLIAMS. of Trinity' Church, near Bala. to Emzsarru, eldest daughter t f the late Rev. Ems WYNN, Rector of Llanferris, Denbighshire. • • On.the 29th, at Cannington, Smit-t:rsetsbire, the Rev. 1..FIARLES DEEDES. Rector of West Centel; to LETITIA ANNE, eldest daughter 01 the Hon. Pixel:mu, BOUVERIE.. On the 311 December. at St. Botolph. Bishopsgate. Mr: EVAN EVANS; IO Miss ELLEN GROVEL both deaf and dumb. The bridemaid ,as av also deaf and dumb. • • • Oa. time 5th. at Derby, the Venerable Joint Rrourrorr;Arclideacon. of Manchester, and Incumbent of Neweburch, Whalley. Lancashire, to Hercaterrs, eldest daughter of WILLIAM LEAPER NEWTON Esq., of lieylauds. On the 7th: at Fawley, Hants, Commander GRAHAM EDEN WILLIAM HAMOND, R.N., youngest son of Vice Admiral Sir Graham Ether Ilamond, Bart., K.C.B., of Norton Lodge, Isle of Wight, to LUCIA. only daughter of L. Dorms. Esq.. of Gythe House, Hants. ' 0.1 the 9th, at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, WILLIAM BARWICK Honor, Esq., of Charles Street. St. James's Square. to PENELOPE SARAH, eldest daughter of HENRY PORTER Sarre, Esq., of the Crescent, New Bridge Street.

On the 12th, at St. John's Church. Paddiugtou, FRANK SOMERVILLE HEAD, Esq.. eldest son of Sir Francis B. Head. Bart., to MARY JANE, eldest daughter of ROBERT GARNETT, Esq., of Wyreside. Lancashire.

On the 13th,- at Lydiard Tregoz. the Rev. Hahn, DRURY, M A.. Rector of Alderly. Gloncestenitire, to AMELIA ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of the Rev. Giszs Dmenosr, Rector Of Lydiard Tregoz, Wilts. .


On the 26th August. on his homeward passage from Madras, Lieutenant-Colonel Harm Stare. of the Madras Army ; jim his 534 year. Ou tlw 2,1 October. at Baizwarrah, Cuptaiu Joust JONES. orate Thirtieth Regimentot Madras Native Iufantry. secoud sou of the late Colonel Jones, of the Seveuty.first.

Highland Light lufintry. • Ou the 29th November. at Neuwied, on the Rhine. Lieutenant Colonel Sir WILLIAM formerly of the Twenty•lifth Light Dragoons, Author of the " History of the- War in India under General Lord Lake.' the" Conquest of Java," and other works. On the 30Ih; at. Horton Grange House, Northumberlaud.. ROBERT WARWICK. Esq.,. formerly of Warwick Hall, Cumberfaud, and IlirtleyRall:PRODIE0 ;, bt his 77th year... On the 3d December, at Sueed Park, Gloucesteribire, Gi aoi WEBB Hsu., Esq.; in

his 47th year. • - On the 3d, at Rome, the Lady MARIA Somenvutx. On the tith. at Clophill, Bedfordshire, the Rev. WILLIAM PIERCE NETHERSOLE, LL.B., forty-three years Rector of Clophill, and Vicar of l'ulloxhill ; in his 89111 year. On the at Rhode House, Devon, MARY Jutra. Lady of Admiral the Hon. Sir JOHN TALBOT. G.C. B., aud sister of the Lord Amadei', of Wardour.

On the 10th. the Rev. Gamier WILLIAM HALL, D D., Master of Pembroke College. Oxford, and Canon of Gloucester ; in his 74th year. On the 'I Ith,nt Panglverne Lodge, Berke, ELIZABETH, Wife of Sir JAMES MELLOWER, late of Adbitry Rouse, Hants; in her 49th year. - ' • ' • . • On the 12th,"Lieutenaut Colonel JOHN Mormon, late of the Coldstream Regiment of Guards. • r .

On the 12th, at Stoke Newington, Hamer, Wife of Mr. WILLIAM Share, Publisher. Fleet Street.

On the 13th, at Doncaster. Mrs. JOHN RAMSDEN, eldest daughter of the late Sir Geozge Cooke, Bart., of Wheatley.

On the 14th.. Join CI:AUDIT/5 LOUDON. Esq.. of P.orchester Terrace, Bayswater. iticilY celebrated for his numerous works on botany, gardening, and agriculture; in his 60111

year. • .

Lately, ut Culderry, the Rev. Sir THOMAS Femme. Bart.; in his 92d year.

lately. at Rasterig, Scotland, Major-General Tuomss Wzarrza, East India Corn, pany's Service.

Lately. at Cleverlon, near Bristol. Somerset, Mrs, ELIZABETH Awn GILBERT, Whkry of Captain James Gilbert, of the Royal Artillery, and eldest daughter of General Sic A. Farrington, Bart., of Blackheath, Kent; in her 75th year.