On the 16th October, at Ferozepore, Bengal, the Wife of Captain Sir Edward Fitzgerald Campbell, Bait., H. M. Sixtieth Hines, of a son. On the 8th December, at loalluire Rectory, near Royston, the Hon. Mrs. Arthur Savile, of a daughter.
On the 8th, the Wife of the Rev. Dr. Welldon, Master of Tunbridge School, of a daughter.
On the 9th, at Carlow, the Wife of Captain Shervinton, Forty-sixth Regiment, now in the Climes, of a daughter. On the 9th, at East Hall, Middleton Tyas, Richmond, Yorkshire, the Wife of the Hon. A. C. Orde Powlett, of a daughter. On the 9th, at Demon, near Manchester, the Wife of the Rev. Walter Nicol, Rec- tor of Denton, of a son.
On the 10th, at Beaufort House, Grosvenor, by Bath, the Lady of Henry Dalla- way, Esq., of a son and heir.
On the 10th, at Stow Lodge, Suffolk, the Hon. Mrs. George Dashwood, era daughter.
On the 9th December, at St. John's, Exeter, Mr. William Robert Phelps, law stu- dent, son of S. Phelps, Esq., of London, tragedian, and nephew of the Rev. Dr. Phelps, Master of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, to Jessy, second daughter of Mr. Latimer, Magistrate, of Exeter, On the 12th, at St. Peter's Church. Eaton Square, Henry John Wentworth, only sou of J. H. liodgetts Foley, Esq., M.P., of Preatwood, Worcestershire, to the Hon. Jane Frances Anne, daughter of the late, and sister of the present, Lord Vivian.
On the 12th, at Richmond, Surrey, William Henry Oldmixon, Esq., son of the late Sir John Oldmixon, to Clementina Sophia, youngest daughter of the late Wil- liam Smith, Esq., of Richmond.
On the 12th, at Arley, Staffordshire, Alexander Nisbet, Esq., M.D., Deputy- Inspector of Hospitals and Fleets, Royal Hospital, Greenwich, to Lucy Susanna, youngest daughter of the late Rev. E. J. Davenport, of Davenport House, Shropshire. DEATHS.
On the 3d December, at Glanalwen, North Wales, the Rev. William Wilson.. M.A., Canon of Manchester Cathedral, and Incumbent of St. Andrew's Church, in that city, On the 4th, at Stephen's Green, Dublin, Captain Draffen, R.N.
On the 4th, at the British Legation, Copenhagen, Frances Katharine, the wife of Andrew Buchanan, Esq., her Majesty's Minister.
On the 5th, at Butleigh Rectory, the Rev. Richard Baker, A.M., Rector of Hot- leigh ; in his 81st year. On the 6th, iu Dublin, of malignant smallpox, caught in his devotion to a soldier of artillery, who died in the Military Hospital, the Rev. John Kirkland, M.A., of St. John's College, Cambridge, only son of Alexander Mackenzie Kirkland, Esq.., of Glasgow; in his 28th year. On the 7th, at Leamington, the Rev. Wm. Cleaver, eldest son of the late Right Bev. Wm. Cleaver, all., Bishop of St. Asaph ; in his 69th year. On the 7th, in Hanover Crescent, Brighton, Major-General Arthur Morris, of Brookham Lodge, Dorking, Surrey; in his 86th year. On the 8th, at Brompton, Yorkshire, Lady Cayley, wife of Sir George Cayley, Bart.; in her 81st year.
On the 9th, in Chesterfield Street, Mayfair, Lady Montgomery, of Hampton Court Palace, widow of the late Sir Henry Cony nghaui Montgomery, Bart. On the 9th, in Lower Philhimore Place, Kensington, Commander Nicholas Colt- hurst, R.N. • in his 73d year.
On the 9th, at Benlow Grange, Bedfordshire, Thomas Alexander Baynaford, Esq. ; in his 85th year.
On the Mb, at Barton Seagrave, Northamptonshire, Eleanor, widow of the late Hon. and Rev. Richard Bruce Stopford, Rector of Barton Seagrave, and Canon of Windsor; in her Old year.
On the 12th, at the Bury, Englefield Green, William Newnharn, Esq., late Mem- ber of Council, Bombay; in his 68th year.
On the 12th, at titagbury, surrey, the Lady Margaret Walpole, widow of the late Thomas Walpole, Esq., in her libth_year. Uu the 13th, in Allred Street, Bath, Lieutenant-Colonel Stoyte, late Inspecting Field Officer of the York District, and formerly Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding the Twenty-fourth and Seventeenth Regiments.