ll copy of the treaty of alliance between the Queeti of Great Britain, the. Emperor of Austria, and the Emperor of the French, signed at Vienna on the 2d Deceniben. and ratified on Thursday, was presented to both Houses of Parliament last night. We subjoin the official translation from the French.
"Her Majesty the Queen 'of the United Hingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, his Majesty the Ereperor of Anettia. and his Majesty the Emperor of the French, being animated with the desire of terminatiaig the present war at theearliest possible moment, by the reestablishment of general peace on solid bases, affording to the whole of Europe every patentee against the return of the complications which have so unhappily disturbed its repose ; being convinced that nothing would be more conducive to that result than theeereplete action oftheir efforts until the common object which they have in view' Shall be 'entirely attained ; and acknowledging, in consequence, the necessity of coming to an immediate understanding with regard to their respective positions, and to arrangements for the future; have resolved to con- clude a Treaty of Alliance, and have for that purpose named as their mpotentia- , rice : [Here follow the names and titles Of the Plenipotentiaries, and the intimation _Htt they have agreed to and signed the following articles.) 1. The High Contracting Parties refer to the declarations contained in the Pro- - tekols of the 9th of April and 23d of May, of the present year, and in the Notes ex- changed On the 8th of August last; and as they reserved to themselves the right of proposing, according to circumstances, such conditions as they might judge neces- sary for the general interests of Europe, they engage mutually and reciprocally not - -to enter into any arrangement With the Imperial Court of Russia without having first deliberated thereupon in common. _ "2. His Majesty. the -Emperor of Austria having, in virtue of the treaty ton- eluded on the 14th of June last with the Sublime Porte, caused the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachie Jo be occupied by.his troops, he engages to defend the ,.fefrittier of the said Principalities against any return of the Russian forces; the Atm- - trian,troops shalt for this purpose occupy the positions necessary for guaranteeing those Principalities against any attack. Her 'Majesty the Queen of the United.Eing- - dom of Great _Britain ,and /rebind and his.fdajesty the Emperor of theTrench hav- ,ing likewise concluded lath the Sublime Forte. on:the 12thof March, a treaty wbiih -Authorizes them fo direct their forces upon every part of the Ottoman empire; the Alma-mentioned occUpatiOn shall mit interfere with the free movement of the Anglo- French or Ottoman troops upon these same territories against the military forces or thelerritory of Russia. There shall he formed at.Yienna between the Plenipoten- atiMiee of AuStria, France, and Great Britain, a Commispion, to which Turkey shall -be incited, to send a plenipotentiary, and which shall be charged with examining and •=1ting every question relating either to the exceptional and provisional state in 1:, the said Principalities are now placed, or to the free passage of the different -armies across their territory. 4.-In case hostilities shonld break out between Austria and Husaia. her Majesty ;take Quinn of the United Eingdom Great Britain and Ireland, his Majesty-the Emperor of Austria, and Isis Majesty the Emperor-of the French, mutually premise tonakb other their offensive andIdetensige,alhance in the prisent war; and will for that purpose employ, according to the requirements of the war; militery..and naval forces, the number, description, and destination whereof shall, if occasion should awe, tcc ngtermined braubsequent armogeteents. "4.- In the case scoutemplated by the preceding article, the High Contracting Parties reciprocallyengage net, to. entertain any overture or proposition on the part of the Impetial Court of Eussia, having for its object the cessation of hostilities, *theta having come to an understanding thereupon between themselves. !!-.1.-In case the refistabliabnient 'of general'. peace, upon the tiasis indicated in Ankle I. should not be assured in the course rif the present' year, her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom ef, Great Britain and Ireland, his Majesty the Krug* Austria, and his Majesty the Enmerec of the French, will, deliberate with: earkdelay upon effectual meanefor obtaining the object of their alliance. • Great Britain, Austria.' and „France, will-jointly Communicate the pre sent tit 'to the Court of Prussia; and will with -satisfaction roceivelts accession Vienne, in case it should premise ita coeperationfor the accomplishment of the coal- men Avec. -.7. The present treaty shall be ratified and the .ratifications shall be exchanged
if Vienna in the space of a fortnight. - • = -"10eitness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiarieshaversigned the same, and have a*xed thereto the sea/ of their arms:" At Vienna,. the 2d of Deemitherin the yearofeur Lord-1854. • •