the Western Porters; stipulating for the on o certeutiedv on
the North Sea and the Baltic.
From St. Petersburg, rid Hatatirt, !i'lll '#' eel ]ate lira` comber 12, states that should negotiations Vd to peace by t
end of the year, a new conscription thall tip 8 throughout Rua of 16 in every thousand. It is computed„141,ti t., nteraborg that th measure will produce an army of 1,000,00Q soldiern: The telegraph alto furnishes-the following repotte.' " Vienne!, Dieembeii,14.—Theie is a reliabtexetiort thet.Pmela- accepts. the four points as. limes for peace tegotiatione;111 rejects every interpreta- tion derogatory to her honour and dignity. T , rating of fiebstopoli at re::: te duction of the Black Sea fleet necessary for ,reanstepence,ofler„poseesi- sions, will never voluntarily he ceded. If ino rnatetnequivalientszshould be . proposed, mom promisee acceptance. ,./,, ,,,. ..1,: •• ..C. • "Accounts from Balaklava, via Varna, state, thatthez English lia&mide arrangements for the embarkation of heavy steeeTarugery.- It's, supposed:.
that this measure has reference to Odessa, midmots tekthe wintering of the fleet in that port.' The had weather bad prevented *e expected arrival of reinforcements and provisions for the Russians by way of Perekop." -. " Vienna, Thursday.—From a telegraphic despatch in the .Presse, dated Constantinople, December 4, it appears that the Russians'at Sebastopol-have retired to the second line of defence. They have 'quitted the Quarantine Battery, and are conveying the guns to their ships. ' .
" Marseilles Friday Morning.—>TheSinal has arrived here with Govern- ment despatches from Constantinople, which she left on the 5th instant. Accounts from Balaklava of the ad state that a new -battery of thirty-six guns had been established against Sebastopol. The bay of Kamiesch was fortified. A fresh Russian corps had arrived near Perekop. The Hannibal and Golden Fleece had arrived with English troops." fiftieditioneof the morning- pipers bring fresh despatches
this .afternoon : we select' the following. -
"Pori!, PririoN.Dsceseer 15.--fireitt precautions have been taken against the Airman fire directed.against.ninety-two fusees (fusses} which had been leaded to set fire to the'llussian fleet. It wasireported that 60,000 Russians had .passed into the Crimea by way Perekop; also, that an engagement hisditaireirthiee between a Russian corps and an ,English detachment. The latter is said to have pursued the Russians into the verytown., • "Vienna, Friday. Dec; 15.—Advicea have been received here from Con- : atantinople,• of the 7th December. The Russians made a sortie against the _.French -lines on the 5th.• Eight divisions of, the line,. under General Foray, repulsed them with great loss. Guyon, Haslan Pasha, and ten Polish staff officers, go from trzerdumto the Crimea." "61.-Petertiburg,'Friday.---Prince Menschikoff, writing on the 8th, reports that nothing of importance had occurred at Sebastopol up, to that date. The fire of the Allies continued to be very weak, and caused the Russians
scarcely any loss." . , ,
We'hear that the Duke of Wellington, 131, screw, Captain Gordon, with the flag of Vice-Admiral` Sir C. Napier.; .Royal-George,- 120, screw, Captain COdrington ; Nile, 91, screw,: Captain, Mundy; • • Hogue, 60, screw, Captain. Ramsay ; Blenheim, -60, screw; ,Captain .Pelhain ; and Driver; 6, .paddle, were lift , off the Seaw with South-westerly head winds, en.Tuesday.last. Bulldog,. 6, peddle' Captain W,, E. Hall, ar-
rived at North-Shields yesterday..Mornieg Herald.H . .