• STOCK EXpassusii, FilMAT Arlin:MOON. The explanations in . Parliament
. regarding tbeonsting of the Austrian treaty havwconsiderebly.darnpedl the sanguine tlews,pf,the recent 'specula- tors for nrissin. the Vends ; who have suddenly b&onie sellers, and caused a depression atone period of move than Iper tout: the decline was gradual, commencing en Monday afternoon ;...and the ;Operation', subsequently were based upon disappointment of a ,twefol& desoription,—first, 'betause the Queen's Speech cenveyed.no". intimation: regarding the intention's of the treaty, or theprOtable coo on of Qin:German States ; and secondly,
item the wog*. -offensive to. that portion 'of ; the treaty . alluded to
by Lord -Jelah issell which binds Austria to act .. in the against:Russia il llgf"the Czar reject reasonable terms._ of ":peace:. ::peacei There was no permanent reaction in the Funds until yesterday, when they rallied per cent. Console for Account have fluctuated during the week from 921 to 914, and close rather firm_ today at 911. An advance of about 3e, in the Corn-market has created an Unfavourable feapiession. Several par- • tier* are:exelningitg. Consols for-New-Tared per Verdi ; the difference between the prices beangin.faveur of the latter, which is guaranteed- against redeO, Lion for twentyaantrs„ andoffers an_advantagemore.than equivalent to three ntonthi(diridend.. Bank Stock has fallen 1 per cent this week ; Eirchequer Bills haveliof Altered, The rate.* mown, onGovenunentiSeourifies con- tinue* afirbont 31'per cent. - . ' - • • Therate of exchange in New York bas receded, and would afford no profit on shipments of specie, the arrivals ,consequently have only .*mounted to- 57,9001. -.The receipts froth Atiretr•alia have been 263,986/. ; andthe African mail steamer brought about 75001. The Foreign Market...has_ been; rather" aatite -and•Belgian, DatisliFive and Three per Cents, Peruvian your-andia-balt per -Cents, and • Russian- Stocks; are 1 better. At Amsterdam theiatteerhave recently improved mare than2 per cent. The principal transactions have been in Turkish'Sorip, which atone period nearly touched 9 discount ; laut.from this point, as on other occasions, nineedyrebound succeede'd, and it has been since dote at 6 discount---now :Chilian- and Dutch Two-and-half per Cents have declined. 1; and Mexiciaii And Spanish are rather flat, RailWaye have been occasionally effected by the flatness in Consols.; par- ticularly on Wednesday;. when London-and litirthfiVeirterit. were done at 99;' Great Western at 691; Midland at 68; Lancashire and Yorkshire at 721. They have since improved from 10s. to 11.. • Foreign{ Sharma have been, dull, and the French descriptions early an week.declined about 108. in several. instance*, r they are now a little better. The settlement of the Account was arranged yesterday. ElkhOLDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.
The English Fund', are higher this morning, owing to the teported re- tirement of the Russians at Sebastopol to the second line of defence, coupled with the steady increase in the weekly return of bullion; by the Bank. of England—today it amounts to 135,4217. Consols have been 921, but are now.911:2.fort Abed:dint Exchequer Bills'are 'rather hi here being 4 7. There is no change in Foreign Stocks. Turkish 'Seim is 611 discount. In Railways, transactions have taken place at improved rates, namely—Amber- gate, 41; Eastern Counties, 111; East Lanmedaire, 721;., Great Western, 71;
London and 8; London and North-Western, 104 ... • - aireaaar. Two o'CArica. The English Funds leave off at about the same quotations they - were in the morning,: after hating been occasionally / higher. . Consols- for. Account are 911 2. Exchequer 'Bills 4 7. In Foreign Stocks the traesectione have been very limited, and all command previous rates. 'Turkish *Tip has' been
done for. Money at ei I, and at 6 discount for the Account. , , Itailways leave off very firm, at a further improvement, and the total ad- vancein.London and North-Western today has been 11. Amliergate, Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 41; Bristol and Exeter, 94;1 Caledonian, 62}; Eastern Counties, 111 ;. East Lancashire, 71; Great Northern B Stock, I24t; Great Western, 701; Lancashire and Yorkthire• 74; London . and Blackwell, 8; London and North-Western, '1011;-E 'Linden and South- Western, 841;. Midland, 694; Norfolk, 50;. NorthasternBerwick, 75; Ditto York, 54 ; Scottish Central, 94; Vale of Neath, 17; Buckingham- shire, 961; Royston, Hitchin, and Shepreth Stook, 135; Lancashire and Yorkshire 6 per Cent Stock, 134 ; London and Brighton New Guaranteed 6 per cent, 136 ; East Indian, 211 ; Ditto Extension, ; Great Western of Canada, 171; Great Luxembourg Constituted Shares, 31. Joint Stock Banks —London Chartered Bank of Australia, 21}; Oriental Bank Corporation, 38A ; Union of Australia, 69; Union of London, 241. Miseellaneous—Aus- tratiall Agricultural, 361; Crystal Palace, 3 ; North British Australasian,
; Peel River Land and Mineral, 21.
3 per Cent Consols shut Danish 3 per Cents 77 81 Ditto for Account 91 2 Dutch 24 per Cents 60 2 S per Cent Reduced 91 f Ditto 4 per Cents 90 2 New $ per Cents 91 Mexican 3 per Cents 21 4 Long Annuities 4 Peruvian 44 per Cents .....
69 11
Bank Stock 20 9 Ditto 3 per Cents 48 50 Exchequer Bills 4 7 Portuguese 4 per Cents 41 3 India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 97 9 Austrian 5 per Cents 80 4 Ditto 44 per Cents 87 9
Brazilian 5 per Cents 96.8
Spanish 3 per Cents 38 9} Belgian 44 per Cents 90 2 Ditto Deferred 181 194 Chaim 6 per Cents 100 2 Sardinian 5 per Cents 83 5 Danish 5 per Cents 100 2 Swedish 4 per Cents 83 6