The Gallery of Illustration reopened on Mondaywith a diorania bearing this title. The views of Cronstadt, St. Petersburg, the rendezvous of the fleets at Varna, and others, have been before exhibited ; but the war is now further carried on from the departure of the fleets to the actual siege operations before Sebastopol. The battle of the Alma is illustrated in three scenes, representing different points of the fierce action—a pur- pose for which diorama is peculiarly adapted, The views are not all re- markable for being worked up to a high pitch of effect ; but the celerity with Which they are produced more than accounts for this, and they pro- fess to be especially distinguished for accuracy. Mr. Stoequeler gives the lecture, which, with some amplitude if not excess of preliminary ei- position, is a good specimen of its class both for substance and delivery; and a point adding considerably to the value of the entertainment, is the display of diagrams of military works, such as bastions, parapets, ge- bions, &c., of which Mr, Stocqueler gives a lucid popular explanation.