Mr. Wyld, of the Great Globe, has just finished a raised model of the seat of war, based on actual measurements and sketches on the spot. The model exhibits the country that would be included in a line draws from the left bank of the Belbek East of Mackenzie's Farm, and East of the village of Kamera to the sea. It therefore comprises the ports of Balaklava and Sebastopol, the sweep of the coast nearly to the Belbek, and the 'rallies of the Tchernaya and Inkerman. The roads and ravines, leading up to and through the intrenched camp of the Allies, are dis- tinctly shown, and the works that defend them on the flank and rear. The presumed distribution of the Allied army, and the lines of attack, as well as the defences of the town, North and South, are marked out- On the whole, although perhaps not strictly accurate—as how could it be 1—this model presents an instructive coup d'wil of the most interest- ing spot on earth, to us at present, out of England. It is exhibited at the Great Globe in Leicester Square.