WAR-OFFICE, Dec. 12.
50th Regiment of Foot—Lieut.-Gen. Sir Richard England, K.C.B. to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. the Right Hon. Sir George Arthur, Bart. deceased.
8th Regiment of Foot—Lieut.-Gcn. John Duffy, C.B. and E.C. from the 28th Foot, to be Col. vice Gen. Sir Gordon Drummond, G.C.B. deceased. 28th Regiment of Foot—Major-Gen. Henry John William Bentinck to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. John Duffy, C.B. and K.C. removed to the 8th Foot.
67th Regiment of Foot—Major.Gen. Sir Colin Campbell, K.C.B. to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. John Frederick Ewart, C.B. deceased. 46th Regiment of Foot—Major-Gen. John Lysaght Pennefather, C.B. to be COL vice Lieut.-Gen. Richard Egerton, C.B. deceased.
Brevet Lieut.-Col. Francis William Henry Lord 13urghersh (Major Unatt.) having been promoted on the 20th of Sept. 1854 to the Brevet rank of Lieut.-CoL for distinguished service in the field, to have that brevet :yank converted into sub- stantive rank, Unattached.
Officers holding the rank of regimental Major, but being Lieutenant-Colonels by
brevet, shall receive thepay and allowances of regimental Lieutenant Colonels during any period exceeding one month while they may be in command of their regiments by the absence of the Lieutenant-Colonel, which period of command the senior Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel may count towards the three years required to qualify a Lieutenant-Colonel to be promoted to the rank of Colonel, in accordance with.thes Royal Warrant of the 6th of October 1851. The following officers, being Colonels in the army, and holding. in the army under the command of Field-Marshal Lord Raglan, G.C.B. the rank of Brigadier. Generals. have conducted themselves to her 51.desty's satisfaction and rendered distinguished services in the great and brilliant victories achieved in the Crimea, her Majesty has therefore been graciously pleased, in pursuance of the Royal Warrant of the 6th of October 1854, to order that the undermentioned officers, now holding the rank of Brigadier-Generals, be promoted to be Major-Generals, and be placed on-the permanent list of general officers—
Col. Richard Airey, Unattached. Col. James Bucknall Bucknall ,Esteourt, Unat-
tached. Col. Henry William Adams, C.B. 49th Foot. Col. Hon. James Yorke, Scarlett, 5th Dragoon Guards. Col. Sir John Campbell, Bart. 38th Foot. Col. Arthur Wellesley Torrens, Unattached. Col. George Buller, C.B. Rifle Brigade. Col. William Eyre, C.B. half-pay 73d Foot. The following officers, holding the rank of regimental Majors, but beinwLieute. nant-Colonels by brevet, to have their brevet rank converted into substantive rank Unattached, should they prefer it to remaining with their regiments, for distin- guished service in the field, in accordance with the Royal Warrant of the 6th of Oc- tober 1854— Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Charles Richard Sackville Lord West, 21st Foot. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Thomas Sidney Powell, 57th Foot. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Richard Wilbraham, 7th Foot. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Alfred H. Horsford, Rifle Brigade. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Percy E. Herbert, 93d Foot. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Henry Charles Barnston Daubeny, C.B. 55th Foot. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Harry Smyth, 68th Foot. To be promoted for dietinguislied service in the field to the substantive rank QL Lieutenant-Colonel, Unattached—
Major the Hon. William Lygon Pakenham, Unattached.
To be promoted to the brevet rank of Lieutenant-Colonel and the substantive rank of Major, Unattached, for distinguished service in the field- Capt. and Brevet Major the Hon. James William Bosville Macdonald, Unattached. To be promoted for distinguished service in the field to the brevet rank of Lieut.- Colonel— Major Thomas Westropp M'Mahon, 5th Dragoon Guards. Major W. S. Ramsay Norcott, Rifle Brigade. Major Robert Jocelyn Straton, 77th Foot. Major John Ramsay Stuart, 21st Foot. Major Sir Thomas St. Vincent Hope Cochrane Trott- bridge, 7th Foot. Major George Dixon, 77th Foot. Major Richard T. Farren, 47th Foot. Major John George Champion, 95th Foot. Major Henry William Bunburr, 23d Post. Major Henry Hume, 95th Foot. Major James Brodie Pattullo, sea Foot. Major John Thornton Grant, 99th Foot. Major Alexander Low, 4th Light Dragoons. Major Francis Pym Harding, 22d Foot. Capt. and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Anthony Coningham Sterling, Unattached, to have the substantive rank of Major, Unattached, for distinguished service in the field. Capt. and Brevet Major.Charlea Nasmyth, Unattached, to have the substantive rank of Major, Unattached, for dis‘ tinguished service in the field.
To be promoted for distinguished sex vice in the field to the brevet rank of Lieut.- Colonel.
Capt. and Brevet Major Robert Blanc, Unattached. Captain and Brevet Major George V. Mundy, 33d Foot. Capt. and Brevet Major the Hon. Adrian Hope, 60th Rifles. Capt. and Brevet Major the Hon. Francis Colborne, 15th Foot. Capt. and Brevet Major the Hon. Robert Rollo, 42d Foot. Capt. and Brevet Major John Stewart Wood, 13th Foot. Lieut. and Capt. and Brevet Major his Serene Highness' Prince William Augustus Edward of Saxe Weimar, of the 1st (or Grenadier) Foot Guards.
To be promoted for distinguished service in the field to the brevet rank of Majors in the Army-
Capt. John Agmondisham Vesey Kirkland, 21st Foot. Capt. Kenneth Depots Mackenzie, 95d Foot. Capt. James Conolly, Unattached. Capt. Alexander blac- donnell, Rifle Brigade. Capt. Edward Stopford Claremont, Canadian Rides. Capt. Edward Robert Wetherell, Scots Fusilier Guards. Capt. Frederick Robert El- rington, Rifle Brigade. Capt. Charles Stuart Glazbrook, 49th Foot. Capt. Thomas Henry Clifton, 7th Dragoon Guards. Capt. Charles John Woodford, Rifle Brigade. Captain William Pitcairn Campbell, 23d Foot. Captain William Friend Hopkins, Royal Marines. Captain Edward Herbert Maxwell, 88th Foot.
'Capt'llugh Smith; 3E11'66C Captain John Alfred Street, 57th Foot. Capt. John
Dwaxt,.. 93d Foot. Capt. Joseph Edwin Thackwell, 22d Foot. Capt. -Henry Edwin W.earsh• 50th Foot. Capt. Julius Richard Glyn, Rifle Brigade. Capt. Ed- Ward W. D. Bell, 23d Foot. Capt. Edniund Gilling Hallowell, 28th Foot. Capt. Thomas Davis, 95th Foot. Capt. Cuthbert George Ellison, let or Grenadier Guards. Capt. William Sankey, 47th Foot. Capt. Henry Meade Hamilton, 47th Foot. Capt. Edmund Augustus Whitmore, 30th Foot. Capt. Hon. Arthur Edward Ilardinge, Coldstream Guards. Captain William Inglis, 57th Foot. Capt. Hon. William Frederick 8carlett, Seats Fusilier Guards.' Capt. Robert Nigel Fitzbardinge Kings- .epte.Seots Fusilier GUSITIS. Capt. Augustus Henry Lane Fox, Grenadier Guards. Capt. Edward Neville, Scots Fusilier Guards. Capt. Edward Fellows, 12th Light Dragoons. Capt. Soame Gambier Jenyns, 13th Light Dragoons. Capt. James Wells Armstrong, 49th Foot. Capt. Lawrence Shadwell, 19th Foot. Capt. Wil- liam'Morris, 17th Light Dragoons. Capt. John Hackett, 77th Foot. Capt. Hon. PereY Robert Basil Fielding, COldstream Guards; Capt. Cadwallader Adame.,-49th Foot. Capt. A. H. P.'Stuart Wortley, let Magoon Guards. Capt. Hon. Silbert Elliott,. Rifle Brigade. Capt. John .Wycliffe Thompson, 10th Light Dragoons. Capt. Charles Carew de Morel, 67th Foot. Capt. Adolphus William Desert. Bur- ton, 5th Dragoon Guards. Capt. James Gabbles. 85th Foot. Capt. Ledford Har- vey Daniell, 38th Foot. Capt. Hon. A. Murray Cathcart, 93d -Foot..• Capt. Han. William George Boyle, 21st Foot. Capt. John Hardman Burke, 88th Foot. Capt. Alastair Arlan M'Donald, 92d Foot. Capt. Letuley Graham, 41st Foot. Capt. Arthur Charles-Greville, Scots Fusilier Guards;
• M.EmORANDUJE. Horse Guards, Dec. 9.
The Queen hate been pleased to command that, as a Mark of her Majesty's recog- nitiqu'of the meritorious services of non-commissioned officers of the artily under the eonunaed of Field-Marshal Lord Raglan, in the recent brilliant operations in the-Crimea, the Field-Marshal shall submit, 'through the General Commanding-in- ept-of, the name of one sergeant of each regimeutof cavalry, of the three battoliona of the Foot Guards, and of every regiment of infantry of the line, to be promoted to' a eornetcy or ensigncy, for her Majesty's approval; nod, with the. view. to reader immediately•evailable the services of these -meritbrions Men, her Majesty has direct- ed,that the Field-Marshal do appoint provisionally and pending her 'Majesty's plea-, sure the sergeants so recommended to regiments. in the army under his command; and her'Majesty has further been graciously .pleased. to signify her intention that, on the several recommendations receiving her Majesty's approval, the commission shall in each case bear date the 5th November1354.
Viaronia. R.-Whereas by our Royal Warrant of the 4th of June 1853 we were ',lensed -to extend the rewards to sergeants of our Army for distinguished service from 2000/. a year to 4000/. a year by an annual progression atthe rate of 2501. a year, or such other rate as might be deemed -most expedient by Our Secretary-at-War ; and whereas we deem it expedient to mark-our sense' of the distinguished, gallant, andgoed conduct of the. army serving in the East under. the command of Field-Mar, shal Lord Raglan, our will arid pleasure is, that one sergeant in. each regiment of cavalry.ael infantry, and of each battalion of the Foot Guards ind of the Rifle. Bri- gade; serving in the East, in the Crimea, or elsewhere, under the command of Field- Mae Lord Raglan, shall be selected by the commanding-officer and recommend- ed: to tie for the grant of an annuity, not exceeding 20/., provided that the aggregate of grants now made and to be made shall notexceed 4000/. in any one year.
The annuity so granted is to be at the disposal of such sergeant, although he may be still in our service.
It is also our will and pleasure to extend the provisions of our Royal Warrant of the 13th April 1854, and with the special view of marking our sense of the distin- guished service and .gallant conduct in the field of our army now serving in the Disk; iti the Crimea; Or elsewhere, under the command Of. Field-Marshal Lord Rag- lab,- to order and direct that-the cominariding-orli cur of each regiment of caraliyahall be-allowed to recerinend One sergeant, two corporals, and four privates, and the commanding officer of each regiment of infantry, and of each battalion of Foot Ginnie and of theMille Brigade, shall heallowed to recommend one sergeant, four corporals, and ten.privates, to receive a medal and a gratuity of
For a sergeant • £15
FM a corporal • : 10
• . . For a private 5
The: gratuity to be placed in the regimental savings-bank, there to remain in deposit at interest until his discharge from our service, and to be deemed to be his personal property,in conformity with the terms of our Royal Warrant of the 13th April 1854. Given/4:9Yr Court at St. James's, this 4th day of
December 1854, in the 18th year of our reign. By her Majesty's command, Smarr Hxanarr.
. . • The following officers of the Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers to be promoted for distinguished service. BREVET.
Royal Artillery. . To be Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army.
Capt. and Brevet Major John Miller Adye.
To be Majors in the Army. Capt. David William. Paynter. Capt. Edwin Wodebouse. Capt.. George Ashley Maude.-. Capt.• William- Swinton. Capt. Charles Lawrence D'Aguilar. Capt. John-James Brandling. Capt. John Turner. Capt. John Richard Anderson. Qapt. John •Charles-Williant Fortescue. Copt Charles Henry Morris. Second Capt. Edward Bruce Hawley. Second Capt. Samuel Enderby Gordon. Second
Omit Hon. Edward-Thomas. Gage. Second Capt. Dixon Edward Hoste. Second
Capt.-Henry Peel Yates. Second Capt. James Farrell Pennycuick.
Royal Engineers. To be Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army.
Crept:and Brevet Major Richard Tylden.
To be Majors in the Army. Cant. John William Gordon. Capt. Frederick Edward Chapman. • Second Capt.
. John Williamson Lovell.
Wax-oaries, Dee. 15.-2d Regt. of Life Guards-Cornet and Sub-Lieut. H. C. Lane to be Lieut. by purchase, vice the Hon. C. B. Lyon, who, retires • J. W. H. Cuningharee, Gent. to be Cornet and Sub-Lieut. by purchase, vice Lane. Royal Boren Guards-The Hon. G. R. C. Hill to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Seymour, appointed to the 17th Light Dragoons. 4th Dragoon Guards-Lieut. G. C. H. P. Brigstoke to be Capt, without purchase. 5th Dragoon Guards--Lieut. F. H. SwM- fen tube Capt. without purchase. 6th Dragoon Guards-F. G. 8. Curtis, Gent. to be-Cornet,'.b_y purchase, vice Fawcett, who retires. 7th Dragoon. Guards-J. V. Cleland, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase. 24 Dragoons-Lieut. G. Buchanan to be-Copt.,without. purchase ; Lieut. H. J. Wale, trom half-pay 15th Light Dra- goons„ to be Limit. vice Buchanan. 4th Light Dragoons-Lieut. J. B. Marshall to-beCapt.:without purchase- Cornet it N. 0. Booth to be Limit. without pu,- chase, vice Marshall. To be Cornet without purchase-Ensign J. F. Sparke, from the-68th lout, vice Browne, promoted. 6th Dragoons-Capt. P. D'O. von Streng, from half-pay 15th Light Dragoons, to be Capt.; Lieut. J. Clemente, from half-pay 15111 Light Dragoons, to be Lieut. 8th Light Dragoons-Lieut. D. H. Clutter- buck to he Capt. without purchase ; Lieut. J. Puget, from half-pay 15th Light Dragoens, to be Lieut. vice Clutterbuck. Ilth Light Dragoons-Capt. E. I el- len-ea, from the 12th Light Dragoons, to be Capt. ; Lieut. G. B. Price, from half pay 15th Light Dragoons, to be Lieut.; Sergt.-Major G. Bull to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Houghtou, promoted. 12th Light Dragoons-Capt. H. Brett, from nalfspay of the 15th Light Dragoons, to be Capt. vice Fellowes, appointed to the llthLight Dragoons. 13th Light Dragoons-Lieut. J. W. Clayton to be Capt. without purchase. To be Limits. without purchase-Lieut. R. Macniell, from the 3d Foot, vice Clayton; Lieut. J. E. Vivian, from half-pay 15th Light Drags. 17th Light Drags.-Capt. J. Macartney, from half-pay 15th Light Drags. to be Capt. ; Lieut. H. H. .Barber, from half-pay 15th Light Drags, to be Lieut. Coldstream Regiment of Foot -Guards.Lieut, H. U. Jolliffe, from the 4th Light Drage. to be Lieut. and Capt. without pur. vice Strong, promoted ; Lieut. the Hon. W. H. A. Feilding, from the 62d Foot, to Lieut and Capt. without pur. vice Mackinnon, killed in action. Scots Fusilier Guards-Capt. and Lieut.-Col. W. J. Ridley to be Major, without pur. (with the rank of Col, in the army), vice Sir C. J. Hamilton, who retires ; Lieut. and Capt. Lord Adolphus F. C. W. Vane-Tempest to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Ridley. ; Ensign and Lieut. A. II. Thislethwayte to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice Vane-Tempest. 7th Foot-H. Plummer, Gent. to be En- sign, without purchase, Vice Jones, promoted. 9th Foot-To be Lieutenants with- out purehase-Ensigus W. Hussey, H. M. Beresford, J. L. S. Sealy. 14th Foot- To. be Lientenaids without purchaee,Euaigns R. 1.I. Graham; G. Bridges, A. W.. • HalL 15th Footz-Lient. J. Walmsley tartieCapt..byynrchase, vice Hoare, who re:* tires; Ensign J. Smyth to be Lient..bypurehise,,riee Walmeley; J. O. Kennnie, Gent. to be Ensign, by pur. vice Smyth. ihth Foot-Tube Envigeas without .f.Faiecloth, Gent. vice WOlieley,orgui.; Colour-Sergt. 31. J. Cunningham. To be Aseist.-Stirgeons-Acting A'ssiet.--Burg: Eye ActinpAssiet.-Surg. J.' it.' Philip, M.H.' 19th Foot-To be Ensigna riithent pia.--:Entign E. St. J. Griffiths; from the 58th Foot, vice Goren, prom.; E. N. Rindersley, • Gant, vice Mutt, promoted. • 20th Foot-J. T. 'V. Kirkby, Gent. to be Ensign, withiiiitpurchase, vice Dowglaiise, promoted, 21st Foott:-J. C. Pester; Gent, to be Ensigh, .without purchase,. vice Clerke. promoted. 22d Foot-Lieut 3. Tweed* from the 81st Freed,' ie be Lieut.,' vice King, who exchanges. 23d Foot-Ensign C, Monsell to he -Lieut. without ,pnr- chase, vice Somerville,, WhoSe prerniotiOn on the 8tlibee.-1854; has been- cancelled J. De V. Tupper, Gent:-to he EnedgM without purchase, -vie. Bigge,. promoted: 26th Foot-H. 11..Biuidon, Im•Ensign,. without 'purchase, vice Lockhart, promoted. 28th Foot-E. F. Angelo, Gent, to "be Eneign, without purchase, vice Berry, appointed Quartermaster; Ensign IL Ai Berry,- to-be Quartermaster, rice Spence, deceased. 30th Foot-Lient. G. H. Saunders., from, the 1st Lancashire
litia,- to be Ensign, Without purchase, vice Campbell,. promoted, 334 Foot-G. T.
Worthington, Gent. to be Ensign, without Rovers, proni. 34th Toot-To be Lieuts. without purchase .Y...nsigris T. H. Saunders:1i. J. B. Clayton, A. Scott. 39th Foot-To be Lieuts. without ,purchaseEnsmna..J. Powell, W. De Wilton R.
Thackwell, E. J. Stokes.,:40tti" Eta. Id.' T,od to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice penuefather. who retiree; A.-Cook. Gent. to be Ensignyby. pur. vies 41st Foot-To be Ensigns without--Pnrchitsa-R.-E. Byam, 'Gent. vice Ringteaste; prom.; A. H. Wavell, Gent vice Feddie,-prom..- A. IL 112140mA. vice Hamilton, • promoted. 46th Foot-J. B. Gene vice Coote,, promoted. 47th Foot- W. C. R. Mylius, Gent vice 'Irby, promoted. .49th" Friot-W. Madan, Gent. vice Young, promoted.; F.Tiowelt, Gent.-viii Chatfield., nroincited. 30th Foot-F. ner, Gent, vice Fier. promoted.- 55th Foot-a-Obe Lieute. mithout purchase-lin,- sign H. Burke, vice Nt7arreri;,promoted ; Ensigns R. J. T„Storie, C. H. Evans, E. F. TeMple: ,To be Ensigns without purchas&-Quarteritiaster-fiergt J. Scott, E., Johnson, promoted ; F.. P. {1;Hobbs,-Gent. vice Trans, IMOSSOred Lieut, H. Burke,' to be Adjt. vice Warred, promoted. 57th Foot-H. D. M. Shute, Gent. to be En- sign„ withoutptirehase: vies Mitchell, 'promoted. ..4011 Foot-.Capt. .1. B. Wilton,
fivin half-pay, Itnatt. to be Capt. 4epay, who exehangea... 62d Fopt-:fineign W:
R. Davenport td pe Lieut. Without put:Chase, vice the Hon: W. H. A.-Fielding, pro-, 'noted in the GatirdM 434 Foot‘-To be Ensigns'Without •purchise.--,- Lieuti C. C. Pyo, train (King's Owa)lat Strdllial Militiai ivictiClutterbuffic, killed its ' action; S. Moore, Gent. vice Twysden, promoted. 68th Foot-To be Ensigns with-. out. purchase-Ensign Thomas' Reeder-Clarkson, from the Royal' Wilts Militia; vice Marsball, prom.;..G. Nieholetts,-.Gent. rice Tucker, promoted. 09th Foot'. Coloue-Sergt. W. Bustard to be Quartermaster. ;rice Sinyth.. appointed Paymaster. ! 77th Foot-Lieut.. Hon. J. Colborne, from the 74th Foot-to'be Lieut. 18th Foot-„ Capt "T. Adams, from the 834 Foot; to be Capt. vice Reogh.who elehinges. 81st Foot--Lieut, F. G. King from the .32c1 Poor, .tore •Lient...vice Tweeffie, who ex- changes. 834 oot-Cap T. H. Keogh, from the 781h Foot, Co be Cept. vice Adams, • who Otehinges. 84th - notS.ergt.-Major- Fteinelan' to be-Quartermaster, vice" Faireloth, dee. :90th Foot=-Ensign D. Jackson-40re Quartermaster. vice Newland, who retires upon half/par. 984.F.00t-Lieut. E, W. Neal to be Capt. without purchase, vice Gall; deceased; Ensign T. H. Clarkson to be Lieut. without pnichase„ vice laden; Ensign R. M. Horoby to be. Lieut. by purchase, vice Clarkson, whale promotion, by purchase, o0. the- lifithAtagnet.c. haeheekcaucelled.; H.„1„ Day. Gent, . to be Ensign, without purehase, vice arson prOinoled; Lieut. A. Mecdonald to be Adjt.-rice•Deepard, who resigns ihd Adjutaitereell,Y,---' -.11ille,Brigeile-Capt.E. A. Sopierset_to hoMitior„.wigiont,pumliase, vice Hooper, died-pf his wounds; Lieut. A. W.,,plillautto,beCapt..without purchase, vice Somer. . set; Second Lieut. W. J. M. QtiriMgfitteimto berLieut..withoot purchase, vice Off-- ton; Ensign C. A. Talhottalie Laleutirwithent pureliftse. vice Cuninghame, whose promotion on Deo, 8 has been paneelietla. W. T., Hooper., Gent. to be Ensign, with-' • put purchase, vice -;8 W. 3. H. ituthien, be Ensign, without . purehiee. vice Lord E. W. P.-Clinton...imamate&
24 West India Regiment-Sergt-Major H. Carvell to bp_ Eosign, withoptpdr- chase, vice St. Auta u, promoted. Brovet-CapL J. •Woffox„ ofthelathrFoot,to_he MsjOr in the Army; -.Capt.:W.
J. Chide, of the 64th Fpo.t, • to be Majmid WM.:Army ; Tombs, of the Ben- • gal Artillery, to have the rink of Major in the-Army in the Dist Indies; Capt. W. Olpherts, of the Bengal Artillery, employed on a Special Service in Turkey, to have
the local rank of Major while so employed. Hoapital Staff-To be Acting Assmtant-Siirgeons-G. H. Slaughter, Gent. vice Ryall, appointed to the 14th Poet; T.-D..ffitheatleY, Gent. vice Philip, appointed to
the 18th Foot. • • , • . • i'oattacheditreyet tok.g. jilwin,Majpr, oatia),Vpay Unattached. (late Cern- inandant of the trooMilit'Westein AiMtraha„). to be, tient:COL without purchase, On the abolitioh of that applaintmeatf, • Idemorenda.-The promotion offaharitstActipmatiopad Officers, as aided in the Gazette of -Dec. 8, has been cancelled, viz. ;63d, Foot -Ensi-gn 6. A,. Y. Ilenyori. 77th FOot-Ensimm.H. M L.-Celquhoun, 0.• E. Legott,• J. F. B. P. Dod. 79th-
Foot-Ensign J. •, - - _ _
The Christian name of Ensigu:Ourseen, 57th..Fool„.is 4D'Arcy." and not DareY,..- as -previously stated; The surtadoe LffYf the • Wm, -Edwardes appointed to the. Coldstream Guard's on the 24th IlOrtri:•isspelt ”Mdivardet,'•!" and' not Edwards as previously stated, For Capt. Ludforct. Harvey. Daniel. of the 38th Foot. !oho Major in the Army, dated 12th' Dec: 1854; read, Capt. Charles Frederick Torredd
Daniell, itc. •