()O ERt;IAIr 10A2ETTE.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.- Star ert and Fair, Greenhills..ilear Caetlebar, Ireland, agents for the purchase of fame stock-Laing end Scotland, Liverpool, general com- mission-agents-G. midi. Hopper, Thirsk,thori-inikera-eCrosaand Son, Farnworth., cottan-spinners--Halotead and Co. Rochdale,brami-foopders-I.attey and Fidler, Park Road, Regent'a Park, surgeons-Briggs and Co. Leeds, fiax-spinners-Verren and Denroche, Cardiff:contractors-J.and .E. Groin, teed*, rope-makers- Haywood jun. and Co.Foleehill„.Warwickehirei riband.malonfacturmare-Glaaier and Eiagley, Manchester. druggiste-F.orbes and Marshall„ Soothemptou, booksellers--Forbes and Co. Southampton, printere; as far as regards` T, Iklarshall-Redpathand Go. Edinburgh, iron-merichants; as far as regards A. . . • ' BANKRUPTCIES -ANNOLLED., JAMES SURMAN, NOW, Hampton, market-gardener- JOHN POLLARD, South Cemey, Gloucestershire, Miller-Jaierli BROMN, Leeds, flax- spinner. Barimiturrs.-Wittatait.J0va,:Greeariell.: engineer, to surrender Dim. 21, Feb. 1: solicitor, Smith,,Lincoln's Inn Fielde; official assignee, Rill; Coleman Street 11.414- ings --DANIEL LEFAVOUE, New Oxford Street, mercluint, Dec. 21,Jan. 23: solicitors, Ashursta and Co. Old Jewry ; official assignee; Lee, Aldermanbury-I''zmXCm
Margate, chemist, Dee. 22, Jan. 23; solicitor, Enchanan, Chambers; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury-Wittram LITTEI.L TIZARD, Aldgate High Street, engineer, Dee. 21; Feb. 2: solicitor, Silvester, Great Dover Street, Newing- ton; official assignee, Cannon. Ablerl9ffitolrY-ehetaa lioaXini WEEKS, Emit Coives„ hotel-keeper, Dec. 19, Jan. 23: *olio tor, Ley, Lincoln's InnFields ; official as- signee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-4i, war GREYER, Old Broad Street, wine-tner- chant, Dec. 20, Jan. 23: solicitor/Pullen, -Lime Street ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Isaac POTHECART, Nntshalling, otherwise .Nursling, Hampshire, boarding-house-keeper, Dec. 19, Jan. 23: solicitor, Reed, Ironmonger Lane • official assignee, Stanfield, Basinghall Street-ROBERT Roseau., Notting Hill, builder, Dec. 22, Jan. 31: solieitor5 Patten, Austiafriars; official aasignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Tat:ants HErwoon. Wood Street, lace-warehouseman, Dec. 20. Jan. 31: so- licitor, Gidley, Guildhall Chambers; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-- Demur MARTEN, Bishopagate. Without, warehouseman, Dec. 20. Jan. 31 : solicitors, Ashursts and Co. Old Jewry; official assignee,. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- Josien OVERBORE, Rind, Gloucestershire, cloth-manufacturer, Dec. 20, Jan. 3/:: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-JOBS BARRINGTON, Joyce, Burslem, chemist, Dec. 22, Jan. 19: solicitors, Lees, Burstein ; Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-Joins BAILEE, 0111110ek, Staffordshire, baker, Dec. 23, Jan. 19: soli- citors, Duignan and Hemmen, Walsall; official assignee, BitUeston, Birminghain- Jamas Stanzas, Darlaston, ironmonger, Dec. 23, Jan.19 : Solicitors, Duignan and Hemmant, Walsall; Wright, Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittlestou, Binning- bans-Grenies DoNIsTRORI/E, Syston. grocer, Jan. 2, 16: solicitors, Tellers, Leices- tar ; James, Birmingham ; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham-T;(0W HOLIJIIR, Leicester, woolstapler, Jan. 2, 16: solicitors. Stone and Co. Leicester; James, Bic- =higher° ; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham-Roamer BOARD, Churchingford, Devonshire, blacksmith, Dec. 19. Jan. 18 : solicitor, Miller, Bristol; official assig- nee. Hirtzel, Exeter-Lewes° Tasomeze,Stockton-on-Tees, shoe-dealer, Dec. 22, Jan. 16: solicitors, Sangster, Leeds ; Caries and Cudworth, Leeds ; Griffith and °Tighten, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne- JOHN bleasueLL, Bradford, Yorkshire, brewer, Jan. 8. 29: solicitors, Terry and Watson. Bradford ; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds- ABRAM MANSON, Huddersfield, yarn-manufacturer, Jan. 8, 29: solicitors, Drans- field, Huddersfield; Bond and Barwick, Leeds; official designee. Hope, Leeds- JOON DARTMELL, Liverpool, boot-maker, Dec. 27, Jan. 15: solicitor, Daly, Liver- pool; official assignee. Cazenove, Liverpool-GEORGE HAWORTH and Co. Over Dar- wen, power-loom-cloth-manufacturers, Dec. 22, Jan. 12 : solicitor, Rowley, Man- chester; official assignee, Hernaman, Manchester.
Divinsans.-Jan. 4, Kegg, Liverpool, coal-dealer-Jan. 9, Smart, Saffron Walden, cabinet-maker-Jan. 9, Howard, Norwich, butcher-Jan. 6, Adams, Longton, Staf- fordshire. china-manufacturer.
Ceserremexam-7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of weefing.-Jan. 5, Meyer, Dartford, victualler-Jan. 9, Davis, Tottenham Court Road, hardwareman-Jan. 3, Heath, Bridgebouse Place, Newington Causeway, leather-seller-Jan. 12. Logdin, Manchester, iron-founder-Jan. 11, Talley, Ince, 'Wigan, cotton-spinner-Jan. 5, Brooks, Salford, grocer-Jan. 4, Bell, Liverpool, eaufectioaer-Jan. 4, Getty, Liverpool, ship-builder-Jan. 4, Wrightson. Liverpool, aietal-broker -Jan. 11, Fulwood, Birmingham, candlestick-manufacturer. DECLARATIONS or DITIDENDS.-Langlanda, Dartford, grocer ; first div. of hs. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street -Thorns, Warwick Square, printer ; first div. of 4g. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Sands, Coal Exchange. coal-fac- tor ; third dir. of Is. 11d. on the separate estate, any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Ackland and Goodwin, High Street. Portland Town. linen-drapers; first die. of 43. 7d, any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Davis and Garrett, Rath- bone Place, oilmen; first div. of 8d. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street --Ackland, Salisburs Street, Lisson Grove, linen-draper; div. of 20s. on the separate estate, any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Hulme, Putney, grocer; first div. of 3s. id. Wednesdie janext, and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Edwards, Sam- brook Court-Stephens, 'verpool, shipowner ; div. of 2s. did. Dec. 20, or any sub- sequent Wednesday; organ, Liverpool-M'Kenna, Liverpool, wine-merchant; first die. of 9d. and second div. of lid. (on new proofs), Dee. 20, or any subsequent Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool-Molyneux, Liverpool, tavern-keeper; first div. of ls. 91d. Dec. 20, or any subsequent Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool-Layeock, Liverpool, iron-merchant; die. of Lt. bid. Dec. 20, or any subsequent Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool-Gray, Bath, provision-merchant ; div. of 11d. Dec. 13; Hutton, Bristol-Sampson, Lincoln, draper; first div. of 4g. 6d. any Tuesday; Carrick, Hull -Wilson, Hull, atone-mason ; first div. of Is. any Tuesday; Carrick. Hull.
iNday, _December 15.
PenTiraRssurs DISSOLVED.-Steiner and Co. Old Accrington. garaneine-manitfac- =sera ; as far as regards J. Green-Steiner and Co. Church, Lancashire, turkey-red- dyers-Crompton and Dunkerley, North Street Mills, within Oldham, cotton-spin- ners-Simonson and Unwin, Sheffield Park, Yorkshire, drapers-Bell and Mays, South Shields, chemists-Harriman and Co. Loughborou„eh, machine-makers-Rip- ley and Co. London. merchants--Townend and Co. Hokrahead, Bacup, Lancashire, manufacturers of fire-bricks-Lewin and Newton, Nottingham, lace-manufacturers -Bedell and Brown, Liverpool, ship-brokers-G. and S. Rust, Cheshunt, farmers - Rangeley and Co. Droofierd, Derbyshire, iron-masters-Howgate and Co. Mirfield, Yorkshire, scribblers ; as far as regards W. D. Fletcher and R. Idle-Bean and Couldrey, Hull, ship-brokers-North and Marshall, Brighton, brewers-Thewlis and Wrigley. Huddersfield, field, cotton-warp-manufacturers--Sutherland and Son, New- castle-upon-Tyne, boot-makers-Laycoek and Bailey, Bradford, Yorkshire, hay- dealers-Cross and Co. Farnworth, Lancashire, manufacturers of textile fabrics.
Bewirairms.--Dexist DEFAVOTTR, New Oxford Street, merchant, to surrender, Dec.
21, Jan. 23: solicitors, Ashursta and Co. Old Jewry; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Wrzaaeot Boyce sen. Dover, innkeeper, Dec. 26, J an. 23 : solicitors, Blackman and Guy. Gray's Inn; Monckton, Maidstone; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Davin Lawn and RARNARI) Wyse, Ann's Place, Walworth, tan- ners, Dec. 26, Jan. 29: solicitors, Freeman and Botharaley, Coleman Street ; offi- cial assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court -RODEBX WARNRR, West Street, Commer- cial Road, Pimlico, wheelwright, Dec.26, Jan. 30 : solicitor, Sidney, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbts'y-FRxDERrcg FIITVOTE, Regent Street, jeweller, Dec. 26, Jan. 30: solicitors, Hornby and Towgood, St. Swithin's Lane; official assignee, Edwards, SambrookCourt-Gxoaez Ansitson, West Street, Vic- toria Park, carpenter, Dec. 26, Jan. 80: _solicitor, Jones, Quality Court; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-James Post, Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire, grocer, December 22, Jan. 24: solicitors, Kingsford and Dorman, Essex Street, Strand; Adcock, Cambridge; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Commas JAMES DERATIZY KIKINGTON, Hall Street, City Reed, electroplate-manufacturer, Dec' 22, Jan. 23: solicitors, Russell and Burgon, Martin's Lane, Cannon Street ; official assignee, Graham. Coleman Street-WeLTEE KEEN, Hunger- ford, Berkshire, hay-dealer, Dec. 22, Jan. 23: solicitors, Loveland and Tweed, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street.-GEonas Even Wampum, Noble Street, Wood Street, commission-agent, Dec. 22, Jan. 24 solicitors, Sole and Co. Aldermanbury ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Ba- siaghall Street -Ssetusi. MANNING, Cornwall Road, Hammersmith, builder, Dec.
22, Jan. 24: solicitor, Reynolds, Chancery Lane; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basing- hall Street-GEosera Cumence, St. Albans, baker, Dec. 22, Jan. 24: solicitors, Cros- ley and Burn, Lombard Street; Simpson, St. Alban's ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-WI:uses BROWN, -Great Russell Street, Covent Garden, linen- draper, Dec. 21, Jan. 23: solicitor, Jones, Sise Lane; official assignee, Johnson, Ba- singhall Street -J mix TED:mm.4 Oxford Street, boot-maker, Dec. 21, Jan. 25: so- licitors, Loveland and Tweed, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street-Hmsay TYLER, Victoria Street, victualler, Ike. 21, Jan. 23: solicitors. Parnell and Willaume, New Broad Street; official assigliee, Johnson, Basinghall St.- JAMES Berms, Tottenham, crape-dresser, Dec. 23, Feb. 3: ;solicitor, Weeks, Wal- brook Buildings; official assignee, Nicholson, Basimrhall Street -Fauna:as CoxER, Hackney Road, stationer, Dec. 22, Feb. 3: solicitor, Phillips, Coleman Street ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-EDWARD HANDLEY, King William Street, Strand, victualler, Dec. 21, Feb. 2: solicitor, Philp, Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-ANN WiLxnesoir, Ellesmere, Shropshire, innkeeper, Jan. 6, 26: solicitors, Waee, Shrewsbury; Motteram and Knight, Birm- ingham; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-Tomes and WILLIAM Hoven- mos, Taunton, curriers, Dee. 21, Jan. 18: solicitors, Channing, Taunton; Stogden, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-Joan RICHARDSON, Chesterfield, draper, Dec. 30, Jan. 27: solicitors, Woods and Jackson, Rochdale; Barr and Nelson, Leeds ; official assignee, Brawn, Sheffield-Annexes WILSON, Manchester, timber- merchant, Jan. 9, 29: solicitor', Bunting and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester.
DIVIDENDIL-Jan. 9, Tyson, High Street, Marylebone, butcher-Jan. 9, Pocock, Old Jewry, coffee-house-keeper-Jan. 5, Bickerton, Castle Street, Southwark, hat- manufactetrer-Jan. 6, Heady, Portsmouth, builder-Jan. 5, Young and Co. Cal- cutta, merchants-Jae. 6, Medley and Adam, Great Tower Street, underwriters- Jan. 6, Holloway, Salisbury, rope-manufacturer-Jan. 6, Wearn, Portsea, grocer- Jan. 5, Gibbs, Connaught Terrace, Edgware Road, chemist-Jan. 6, Ivory, Norwich, grocer-Jan. 6, Squire, Grosvenor Mews, Bond Street, coach-builder-Jan. 5, Miller, Dorking, auctioneer-Jan. 22, Bradshaw, Bolton-le-Moors, builder-Jan. 27, Frudd, Manchester, innkeeper. CEETTneerEs.-2b be !ranted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of tneettng.-Jan. 9, Tyson, High Street, Marylebone, butcher-Jan. 9, Pocock, Old Jewry, coffee-house-keeper-Jan. 16, Boss, Brighton, livery-stable-keeper-Jan. 11, Hearn, Stangate Wharf, Lambeth, brick-maker-Jan. 6, Goodger, Bromley, Kent, coach-proprietor-Jan. 5, Lord, Fleet Street, tailor-Jan. 6, Catalan, Sand- gate, Kent, grocer-Jan. 6, Humphrey, Dorking, butcher-Jan. 5, Readwin, Win- chester Buildings, Great Winchester Street, share-dealer-Jan. 16, Sellick, Colerne. Wiltshire, paper-maker-Jan. 12, Pitman, Bath, carpenter-Jan. 9, Ratcliff, Not- tingham, hosier-Jan. 15, Scott, Southport, pork-butcher-Jan. 9, Graham, Black- burn, Lancashire, draper-Jan. 5, Robinson, Nantwich, brasier. DaeLeiteTiows or Drenwaves.-Smith and Ashby, Great Ceram Street, linen- drapers ; first div. of 6s. Ild. on Wednesday, Dec. 20; Lee, Aldermanbury-Stani- forth, Sheffield, builder ; first div. of 5s. 5d. any day ; Brewin, Sheffield -Jervee, Sheffield, brush-manufacturer; first div. of 2e. 2d. any Saturday ; Brewin, Sheffield -Hind, Sheffield, joiner ; first div. of 71d. any day ; Brewin, Sheffield-Bayley, "Wheaton Aston, Staffordshire, beer-seller ; first div, of 2s. 101d. any Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham-Langman, Wolverhampton, druggist ; first die. of 4s. any Thunder; Bittleston, Birmingham-Robson, Menkweermouth second div. of 5s. (in addition to 6s. previously declared), any Saturday ; Baker,.Newcastle-upon-Tyne SCO2ciff SactuEnuereass.-Whitelaw junior, Aar' drie. pain*. Dec. 21-Black- wood, Carrnnshare, smith, Dec. 26-Thornburn, Glasgow,' Merchant, Dec. 26- Macewen, Edinbargh. banker, Dec. SS-Murdoch, Glasgow. paanter..Dec 26.