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TECQueen.arsived in town from Windsor Castle an Monday morning; aniLin. the afternoon she held a Privy Council at Buckingham. Palace; when the terms of her Majesty's Speech to the Parliamentwere arranged anttefirefalfAP44,_ I Alfa Conrt, Sir William Temple had an, audience of the,94ieett, to tat leave on his return to Naples as her INeaty'a tetthere.s, The.41of Ciarenden, the Earl of Aberdeen, Sir James Gra- hartfouid,Lord.4hn Russell, aloe had audiences of the Queen.
On Tuesday, her .Majgety went in state to open the sesaion of Parlia- ment; starting from Buckingham .Palace at a' few minutes before two o'clock, anctreturning at three o'clock. Ori the same evening, the Queen and Prime Albert retained to Windsor Castle.
During her stay inLondon, on Monday,.the Queen visited the Duchess of Gloucester.