Marmion. With photographic Illustrations. By T. Annan. (A. W. Bennett.)—Here
is our old friend with a new charm. We can read Miamian, and there are parts of Marmion that we always recur to with infinite pleasure, and gaze at the same time on the ruins of Norham Castle or Whitby Abbey. Thus we live at once in the present and the past, are at one moment with "halberds, bills, and battle-axes," and the next debating whether we shall take in that beautiful "Durham Cathedral " in our next summer tour. Amongst the excellent illustra- tions in this volume, in addition to those already named, are to be found views of Edinburgh and Helyrood Palace, Warkworth and Bamborough Castles and Tantallon Hold. We heartily commend it to the notice of all persons about to act in the spirit of the French sentiment, "Lespetits cadeaux entretiennent