The situation in France seems to be growing critical. The
majority of the Assembly have refused to return to Paris, and it is believed that they contemplate a quarrel with M. Thiers and the election of the Due d'Aumale to the Presidency. This is probably only a project, but it seems certain that the Monarchists of all shades have offered to elect the Duke as their leader, that a quarrel has occurred between the Princes, who want to take their seats in the Chamber, and the President, who wants them to keep away, and that the Princes are hesitating, Bourbon fashion, to come to a final decision. Meanwhile, it has been discovered, to the great delight of the Left, that whenever the appel nominal is called, that is, when the votes are taken by name, instead of by show of hands, the vote is almost sure to be Liberal, many members who detest Liberalism being afraid to vote against the wishes of their constituents. This fact, as far as it goes, indicates that the country is becoming Republican, or rather acquiescent in a Republic.