16 DECEMBER 1938, Page 1

Germany and the Jews The world-wide protests against the persecution

of the Jews in Germany, together with its repercussions on economic life, have at length had some effect. Dr. Goebbels, and the Angrtff, have been rebuked for advocating a Christmas boycott of Jewish businesses "in process of Aryanisation "; Count Helldorf's plans for creating a Jewish ghetto in Berlin have been disavowed ; and a statement issued in Berlin suggests that henceforward the Reich's policy will be to encourage Jewish emigration. In Germany Jews will not be segregated, or forbidden to purchase in German shops and frequent _ German restaurants. The statement has a curiously con- ciliatory, half-ashamed, tone ; it merely means that now the Reich is hoping to make money out of Jewish emigration. The suggestion is that Jews abroad should provide the foreign currency to pay for the transfer of the German Jews. Having tortured and plundered them, the Reich now proposes to use them as a kind of commodity for export, like armaments or manufactures, which will provide Germany with an added supply of the foreign currency she lacks.

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