The Week in Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes : This
will be a lean session so far as legislation is concerned. Monday and Tuesday of this week were occupied by the Second Reading of the Cancer Bill and the Reorganisation of Offices (Scotland) Bill. They are both admirable measures, but they raise very little controversy and, had the Government been pressed for time, neither would have been allotted a whole Parliamentary day. This unwonted shortage of business is mainly due to the fact that the principal item in the Government's pro- gramme has been killed. The Milk Bill lies mouldering in a pigeon-hole, though its author goes marching on. There is nothing of unusual interest among the private Members' Bills, now awaiting their Second Reading, except possibly Sir Stanley Reed's proposal to amend the law of libel. This, however, is the second order on the day when it is to be discussed, so that shortage of time will probably prevent it from reaching Committee.
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