A FEW WEEKS ago the President of the Board of
Trade said he had been asked to excise parts of the Monopolies Commission repdrt on the tyre industry, on the grounds that publication of them would be 'contrary to the national interest.' I assumed— and wrote—at the time that the tyre manufacturers' anxiety was that the report might give countries which have anti-cartel legislation information which could be used in evidence against English exporters. The Tyre Manufacturers' Conference now denies this. It claims that the request to Mr. Thorneycroft (which he rightly turned down) was made 'only in relation to certain matters of historical record and fact.' The duty of every Commission is to avoid inaccuracies of historical record and fact; and if the report, which is discussed on another page, contains any, the TMC ought at once to correct them. To what in the report did it take exception?