SIR, — As a parent, I welcome the stress laid by Mr.
Enuns, from the teacher's point of view, on the value of good parent-teacher relationships in the school.
If these good relationships do not exist, it is not always the fault of the parent; at times the relation- ship can be neither good nor bad—simply non- existent; and the parent gets the feeling, on making tentative approaches, that the school is doing very nicely, thank you, and would you mind keeping on your side of the fence?
Would Mr. Emus care to indicate: (I) How many hours a year does a student at his college devote to the study of parent-teacher re- lationships as an individual subject?
(2) How many times a year, as a minimum, should parents be expressly invited to the school to meet and talk with their child's teachers?—Yours faith- fully, 7 Woodherry Way, Finchley, N12