South *ryrol Dr. Bruno Kreisky, F. L. Brasslog
What Shall We Do With Naughty Children?
A. Ewing. Alastair Ross Graham Hough, J. M. Newton T. W. Meade, Victor Gollancz, Evelyn Waugh. Rev. G. C. Potts
LYniru am TV David Parry-Jones Libraries and Authors' Royalties J. Alan White Whitewash? Ludo tic Kennedy
The Sundays and Saturday Alastair M. Dimness
brYan Bailey Memorial Fund Jack Rodney Literature into Life Ihe Death Penalty SOUTH TYROL S!'1.----Your article on South Tyrol, generally a fair 1711cee of reporting, contains one or two flaws to which I should like to call your attention. t. first, a comment of a general nature: Integra- 10o, used in your concluding sentence, is, of course, 1.erm that has many meanings. If in your phrase " Is to mean the existence of a contented minority, se, cure in its rights, within the Italian State, we 'Iostrians are all for it. If it were to mean the awbr4orption of the Austrian minority by the over- lielMing Italian majority, it would have to be ItItonted out that the principal object of the 1946 Gasperi-Gruber Agreement and of all our efforts ,;_nce. has been to protect the ethnic character of 'rue South Tyrolcans. This principle has also been be„e°8oised by the resolution unanimously adopted ',the United Nations General Assembly.
11' n s to the remarks made about myself, it just is b(e)! so that I chose to bring the South Tyrol issue 1°re the United Nations 'as a piece of election 4.
In fact, this step was carried out as a r3ult of a carefully weighed decision of the entire ustrian Government, backed by all three parties troresented in Parliament. During the current par- tba"tentary debate on foreign affairs, spokesmen of s„e three parties again expressed the wish that the olutn Tyrol problem must never become an object domestic controversy.— Yours faithfully,
Der Bundcsminister fiir Auswartige Angelcgenheiten