Last night's Gazette announces that Mr. Robert Stephenson has been
appointed one of her Majesty's Commissioners for promoting the Industry Exposition; and Lieutenant-Colonel William Reid, of the Royal En- gtneers, has been appointed to Mr. Stephenson's vacant place in the Executive Committee, with the office of Chairman.
Rear-Admiral Sir Gordon Bremer, renowned in connexion with the subjugation of China in the years 1840-1, died at Tunbridge Wells on Thursday. Sir Gordon's father was a Lieutenant in the Navy, his uncle a Captain, his two grandfathers were Captains ; and he leaves a step-son and a son-in-law in the same service, both Captains, to maintain the fa- mily reputation.
It is now authoritatively stated that the Arctic expedition under Captain Austin is to consist of four vessels ; besides the Eider and Free- trader, screw steam-ships, the sailing vessels Baboo and Ptarmigan have been purchased, and have been put into the hands of the Messrs. Ptarmigan and Mr. Green to be duly strengthened and fitt d for the voyage.