In France we can only note the continuance of those
indications which betray the fear of civil war and the resolve to prepare for In France we can only note the continuance of those indications which betray the fear of civil war and the resolve to prepare for
it. Suspicions are said to divide the le men : Cliangarnier does not reject the military aid of Lemma re, but "wears 'his eye thus, not jealous nor secure” ; and meanwhile 'employs other officers to divide France into military divisions. M. Curlier, the Prefect of Police, again issues intruotions to his subordinates to disseminate doctrines against the Socialists, and to watch all persons of that party. At Marseilles the guards are doubled. Lyons is kept safe by the state of siege. The allies of Louis Napoleon avow their enmity to the Republic, and boast that he has the army with him. The Socialists are preparing to illuminate Paris on the 24th. Parties appear to be taking sides, and it becomes daily more probable that the army will soon undisguisedly hold the fate of France in its hands.