On the 6th instant, at Kensington-gore, the wife of Hugh FIammersley, Esq., of a
daughter. On the 7th, at 6, Dawson-street, the Hon. Mrs. Handcock, of a daughter. On the 9th, at the Rectory, Corfe Castle, Lady Charlotte Bankes, of a son. On the 10th, the Wife of Sir Godfrey J. Thomas, Bart, of a son.
On the 11th, at Cheltenham, the wife of Major-General J. T. Brett, Madras Retired
List, of a son. On the 11th, at 16, Green-street, Lady Elizabeth Leslie Melville Cartwright, of a daughter.
On he 11th, at No. 2, Chester-square, the wife of Matthew Arnold, Esq., of a
daughter. MARRIAGES.
On the 5th inst., at Kensington Church, Henry Brackenbury, Esq., Royal Artillery, youngest son of the late William Brackenbury, Esq., of Usselby Hall, Lincolnshire, to Emilia., widow of the late Reginald Morley, Esq., and daughter of Edmund Hallowell, Esq., of Kensington Gate, Hyde Park.
On the 7th, at the pariah church of Charleton, Devon, Oswald C. Arthur, Esq., youngest son of the late Vice-Admiral R. Arthur, C.B., to Elizabeth Fortescue Mary, youngest daughter of Captain Wells, ILA., of Slade House, Devon.
On the 11th, at St. George's, Bloomsbury, Charles Horwood, Esq., of Brasenose College, Oxford, to Harriet Mary, second daughter of C. J. Bloxam, Esq., of Bed- ford-place, Russell-square. On the 12th, at St. Thomas's Church, Winchester, Edward Augustus Stotherd, Captain 60th (King's Royal) Rifles, second eon of Major-General Stotherd, Royal Engineers, to k'rances Evelyn, only daughter of Charles St. Deane, Esq., of Win- chester.
On the 6th instant, at Taynton House, Gloucestershire, in his 85th year, Sir John Owen. Bart., M.P., Lord-Lieutenant for the county of Pembroke. On the 8th, at the Warden's Lodge, the Rev. Robert Speccott Barter, Warden of Winchester College, aged 70.
On the 8th, at 26, Buruastone-square, of bronchitis, Josette, wife of Lieutenant- General Sir Be Lacy Evans, M.P., G.C.B.
On the 9th, at Thorington Hall, Suffolk, Colonel Henry Bence Bence, aged 73. On the 9th, in Grosvenor-street West, Eaton-square, Admiral Sir George Mundy, K.C.B., aged 83. On the 10th, after four weeks' severe illness, at the residence of his mother, 21, Craven-hill, Hyde Park, the Rev. John William Donaldson, D.D., late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, aged 49.
On the 10th, at 3, Mansfield-street, The Emma Lady Petre, RU'.
On the 11th, at No. 43, Berkeley-square, the Dowager Countess of Haddington, aged 80. On the 11th, at Shrewsbury, of scarlet fever, Jane, youngest daughter of Sir G. S. Brooke Pechell, Barn, aged 6 years.