SIR,—As I see that you have published some interesting anecdotes about dogs, I send you the two following, which perhaps you may think worth inserting.
In 1873 we came to live in England, after a residence npoin the Continent, bringing with us a Swiss terrier of doubtful breed but of marked sagacity, called Tan.' One day, shortly after reaching the new home from Switzerland, the dog was lost under the following circumstances :—We had driven to a. station eight miles off—East Harling—to meet a friend. As. the friend got out of the railway carriage the dog got in with- out being noticed and the train proceeded on its way. At the next station—Eccles Road—the dog's barking attracted the attention of the station-master, who opened the carriage-door, and the dog jumped out. The station-master and the dog were perfect strangers. He and a porter tried to lock up the dog, bat he flew viciously at any one who attempted to touch, him, although he was not above accepting food. For the next three days his behaviour was decidedly methodical; starting- from the station in the morning, he came back dejected and. tired at night. At last, on the evening of the third day, he reached home, some nine miles away, along roads which he had not before travelled, a sorry object and decidedly the worse for wear ; after some food he slept for twenty-four hours straight off.
Anecdote number two. One day a handsome black, smooth- haired retriever puppy was given to us, whom we name& Neptune.' The terrier Tan' greatly resented having this. newcompanion thrust upon him, and became very jealous of him. Being small, he was unable to tackle so large a dog, but sagacity accomplished what strength could not. 'Tan' disappeared for two days. One evening, hearing a tremendous, commotion in the yard, we rushed out to find a huge dog of the St. Bernard species inflicting a severe castigation upon, poor Nep," Tan ' meanwhile looking on, complacently. wagging his tail. Both 'Tan' and his companion then dis- appeared for two more days, after which 'Tan' reappeared, alone, apparently in an equable frame of mind, and satisfied) that he had had his revenge. We never discovered where the large dog came from. I can attest the truth of the twc. stories.—I am, Sir, &c., Hoxme Vicarage, Scole, Norfolk. CECIL DOWNT01%