The Speech contains the expected paragraph as to the Civil
List. " The demise of the Crown renders it necessary that a renewed provision shall be made for the Civil List. I place unreservedly at your disposal those hereditary revenues which were so placed by my predecessor, and I have commanded that the papers necessary for a full consideration of the subject shall be laid before you." In regard to administrative and legislative changes, it is stated that proposals for increasing the efficiency of the Army will be made, and that changes in the Final Court of Appeal are rendered necessary owing to the expansion of the Empire. New legislation will be pro- posed (1) in regard to education; (2) for regulating the volun- tary sale by landlords to occupying tenants in Ireland; (3) for amending and consolidating the Factory and Workshops Acts; (4) for the better administration of the law respecting lunatics ; (5) for amending the Public Health Acts in regard to water supply; (6) for the prevention of drunkenness in licensed houses or public places; and (7) for amending the law of literary copyright. Most of these legislative projects were expected, except that in regard to Irish land purchase. It is presumed that the Government intend to simplify and render more speedy and effective the working of the present Fur-
chase Acts. We trust that this may be their intention, and that in doing so they will, as far as possible, make the opera- tion of the Acts automatic, and allow as little as possible of official veto and interference.