[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR, —It was surely a
little dull of your correspondent, Mr. Fox, not to have recognised the style of the prayer ordered for use on February 2nd as that of another century. It would have been impossible for any one to have imitated so inimitably the sentiments and expressions of the Stuart regime. Mr. Fox might have found the prayer in the Acces- sion Service printed at the end of every Prayer-book. The Archbishops merely commanded for use what has previously had authority. Many of us will be grateful to Mr. Fox, all the same, for calling attention to its inappropriateness for modern use. The King has begun his reign with many grace- ful and happy acts ; he would have one more claim to our gratitude if he would give instructions for such a revision of the Accession Service as would more fitly express our loyalty, which is none the less warm because it demands expression in the language of our own day.—I am, Sir, &c., Ravi Indian Engineering College. F. E. HuTertrxsow.