We note with velar great satisfaction that the Victoria Cross
has been awarded to two officers of that most gallant regiment, the Imperial Light Horse,—to Captain C H Mullins and to Captain R. Johnstone. It was on October 21st, 1899, at Elandsluagte, that the Crosses were won. At a most critical moment, the advance being momentarily checked by a very severe fire at point-blank range, these two officers very gallantly rushed forward under this heavy fire and rallied the men, thus enabling the flanking movement, which decided the day, to be carried out. On this occasion Captain Mullins was wounded. It was a splendid deed of arms, and, we are glad to think, as splendidly rewarded, for, after all, there is no decora- tion in the world which is higher than the Victoria Cross. The Imperial Light Horse as a whole will share, and deserve to share, in the distinction, for the two Captains thus honoured were typical members of the Rand corps. It makes one's blood boil to think that men like these have been dubbed "the scum of the earth," or "slimy capitalists," or whatnot by the phrase-mongering and phrase-intoxicated supporters of the Boers in this country. We are willing enough, and none could be more willing than the Outlanders themselves, to acknowledge that many of the Boers are most gallant men, but it is the cant of the Pro-Boers (happily a, minute fraction of the nation) still to speak as if the Outlanders were contemptible weaklings who could not and would not fight for their own hearths and homes.