16 FEBRUARY 1901, Page 22

Heirs to a great Heritage. By W. B. Joynt Conway.

(J. B. Woodley. 2s. 6d.)—We may regard this very interesting pub- lication as a contribution to the " Hooligan" controversy. Mr. Conway has as his sub-title " How Cripplegate Trains its Citizens of To-morrow." There is, and has been for more than two cen- turies, a Ward-school in Cripplegate. It has survived when others have been changed out of recognition because Cripplegate has still a large population and is not given over to caretakers, and it has moved with the times. Its Governors have recognised that boys want something more than the " three Ws," alai they have made, at least, an effort in this direction by establishing a camp at Shalford, where boys who are well behaved have a fort- night's outing. We should be much surprised to be told that any boy who has known the discipline and the delight of Shalford camp-life ever demeans himself by " Hooligan " practices. In this book Mr. Conway tells, by picture as well as by pen, how life goes in " Cripplegate in the country." There must be many opportunities in London and the great towns where this excellent example might be followed. We wish success to the work with all our heart. Perhaps we might hint that money would be useful, and that Mr. J. Luse, C.C., the treasurer, may be addressed at 16 Bridgewater Square.