Thoughts, Memories, and Meditations of Madame Hoskier. Trans- lated from
the French by Constance White. (Skeffington and Son. 3s. 6d.)—Madame Hoskier perished, together with a daughter in the terrible fire at the Bazar de la Charite (May 4th, 1897). She had begun to keep a record of her thoughts nearly forty years before, and this record forms the substance of this volume. Such books are not fit objects for criticism. We may say, however, that this is a very happy specimen of its kind. Madame Hoskier was received into the Roman Communion. Nevertheless, she does not hesitate to speak of the Christian privileges which she had enjoyed before that event. This is in keeping with the sweetness and moderation of her language throughout, a moderation, however, not at all inconsistent with religions emotions of the utmost sincerity and depth. No one need fear any offence. The devotion of the soul which is portrayed in these pages—not intended for the eyes of any but the writer's children—was conversant with things so high or so deep that they are out of the reach of controversy.