We have received from the Oxford University Press three copies
of Prayer-books with which are bound up Hymns, Ancient and Modern. They contain all the changes made necessary by the accession of a new Sovereign. The speed with which these well-printed and well-bound volumes have been brought out does credit to the Oxford Press. The typographical descriptions are, in order of size, " pica, 12mo, thin," " bourgeois, 32wo," and "ruby, 82mo." There is also a Prayer-book, " long primer, 24mo," without the Hymns. The print of the first-named is admirably suited for eyes that do not accommodate themselves to the " dim religious light" which painted glass and the Gothic style generally bring about. This edition also has a classification of the hymns. This is given in various tables, among which is one for the " Black Letter Saints." Of course, 451-458 appear frequently in the list, but it gives other serviceable suggestions. More generally useful is the table of " Hymns Appropriate to the New Testament Lessens for All Days except Holidays."—From the same source W4 have also in various sizes the Memorial Service, February 2nd, 1901.