16 FEBRUARY 1934, Page 14

A Broadcasting Calendar


7.10 February in the Garden : C. H. Middleton.. N. 7.30 British Rule in Africa-Economic Development : Ifor L.

Evans. Africa's natural resources, and her market for imported goods .. . N. 9.75 B.B.C. Chamber Concert-VIII: Pro Artc String Quartet. Bartok and Debussy .. L.R. &c. 9.20 Enquiry into the Unknown-Telepathy : Mrs. W. H.

Salter .. • • • N. 10.35 Reconnaissance-a radio melodrama with a musical back-

ground, its theme the adventures of three men in an aeroplane L.R. &c.


7.5 Mr. Pewter Works It Out : A. P. Herbert's serial sketch . . N.

7.30 In Town Tonight-a topical surprise item.. .. .. N. 7.30 Leeds Symphony Concert : Leeds Symphony Orchestra with Moiseiwitsch (pianoforte) cond. Barbirolli : Bach,

Delius' Brigg Fair, &c. N.R. 7.40 Green Grass Widow-a Tale of Scottish Tinkers, from the

book by Jane Findlater S.R. 8 Recital : Laelia Finncberg (soprano) in songs by Wolf, Schubert, Schumann, &c., and Frank Lafitte (pianoforte)

playing Franck's Prelude, Choral and Fugue, &c. L.R. 9.20 Seven Days' Hard : Rose Macaulay..

9.45 Rugby Calls the World-I microphone tour of the Post Office Wireless Station, with a possible visit to the top of

a mast .. L.R., Ste.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY f8th 2.40 British Art : R. M. Y. Gleadowe on native crafts..

4 Recital by Vladimir Rosing (tenor) .. .. N. 4.50 Bach Church Cantata No. 51.. . . N.

5.30 Pillars of the English Church-Crabbe : Canon A. C. Deane N. 5.45 Chamber Music : the Armenian String Quartet and Mary Baker (songs) in an interesting programme N. 8 Service from All Hallows, Lombard Street.: Canon Tissington Tatlow and Dr. Nicolas Zemov, of the Paris Academy of the Russian Orthodox Church L.R.

8 Service from the Studio : Rev. A. C. Craig, Chaplain to Glasgow University .. S.R. 9-5 Sunday Orchestral Concert No. s4: B.B.C. Orchestra (Section B) and Dorothy Silk in a Vaughan Williams pro- gramme conducted by the composer .. L.R., &c.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY f9th .10.45 Living in Cumberland : Wilfrid Roberts on children and their games N. 7.5 Economics in a Changing World : S. King-Hall N.

7.30 The National Character viewed from .Abroad-III. Karel

apek, the Czechoslovakian author of R.LT.R., Letters from England, &c.

8 "Scrapbook for 1909" arranged by Leslie Baily-a cast including Irene Vanbrugh, George Graves and interesting gramophone records .. L.R.

9 Birmingham Philharmonic String Orchestra, with solo violin and flutes M.R.

9 TI-c Passing of the Sailing Ship : Capt. C. B. Graves N.R.

9.20 Living in Japan : William Plomer, the novelist and


9.35 Galsworthy's Loyalties adapted for broadcasting. Ernest

Milton in his original part .. N.


2.5 .Round the Countryside-Early Sons: Eric Parker .. N. 7.20 General Survey of Regional Buildings : John Betjeman (of the Architectural Rerien), a caustic speaker .. N.R.

7.45 Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Beecham, with - Katharine Goodson (pianoforte). Beethoven and Delius N.R.

8.30 Whither Britain ? : the Hon. Quintin Hogg .. N.

9 Loyalties-repeat performance .. L.R., &c.

9.20 "Scrapbook for 1909 "-repeat performance .. .. N.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21st 1.30 Organ Recital from Broadcasting House : Maurice Vindon N. 3.15 Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra .. .. N.

7.30 The Churches and the State : Rev. F. E. Hutchinson .. N.

8 Variety including John Tilley .. L.R. 8.15 B.B.C. Symphony Concert : Egon Petri (pianoforte), Wifeless Male Voice Chorus, B.B.C. Orchestra, cond. Adrian Boult. Bach, Beethoven's Eighth Symphony, Busoni Concerto • . • • .. • • • . N.

10.20 " Light " : the first of six lectures by Sir William Bragg .. N.


10.45 The Week in Parliament : R. Bemays, M.P., who has had recent differences with the Liberal Party ..

1.15 Lunch Hour Concert from the Town Hall, Birmingham. Mozart, Beethoven, &c. All Regionals 5.15

Yo-Ho-Ho---a pirate play for children .. N.

7.30 Industrial Britain : Prof. John Hilton on demand and supply N. 7.30 HalleS Concert : Stravinsky programme conducted by the composer .. .. • . N.R., &c. 9.20 Foreign Affairs : Vernon Bartlett .. .. N. 9.35 Organ and Violin Recital from Broadcasting House. C. H.

Trevor and Arthur Catterall. Bach, Rheinberger and Regcr N. Foundations of Musk

Feb. 16th. Chopin's Preludes and Studies : Stefan Askenasc.

Feb. 19th, toth, zist, land. Wolf's Coethc-Lieder : Winifred Radford and Herbert Herter.
