Merry Women
It was a wise act on the part of the propagandists of woman's work to concentrate on the merriments of rural life in this country and that. What the Country Women of the World are Doing (published from 26 Eccleston Street at Is. 6d. post free) is a "Festivals Number." Both in illus- tration and written record its 250 pages are a really admirable epitome of the more picturesque ways in which country women amuse themselves. Perhaps the prize for picturesque- ness would be divided between the French Canadian and Czechoslovakian women. One French Canadian village of Quebec stands out in my own memory as the most essentially rural community within my experience, and the padre, talking delightful seventeenth-century French, gave me charming accounts of the Old French customs, and especially folk-songs, that still prevailed among his flock. Incidentally the volume is full of hints for organizers of our Women's Institutes, which continue to do invaluable work and deserve even more support than they get.