The All Peoples' Association At this time of intense strain
in the political and economic relationships between nations when international co-operation seems to have reached low-water mark, it is well to realize that active organizations such as the All Peoples' Association and the Committee of International Understanding and Co-operation are continually working to promote a better atmosphere. On Wednesday last Sir John Simon was welcomed by Sir Evelyn Wrench, President of the former organization, and Lord- London- derry, Chairman of the latter, and formally opened the premises at 9 Arlington Street, vi•hich constitute the two headquarters in London. The presence of the Foreign Secretary, five Ambassadors, and seven other representa- tives of foreign countries was an appropriate indication of the fact that diplomacy can only build on the basis of an understanding between peoples. If the people of Eng- land, France, Germany and other countries had the same easy access to one another as Englishmen have to English- men there would be no international_ troubles.. It is the aim of these two bodies to get as near as is possible to this ideal by stimulating personal intercourse-and circulating the ideas and the culture which all peoples can share.-