The House of Commons has launched the Bill giving home-produce
motor spirit a fiscal preference during the next few years. Mr. Ernest Brown clearly knew his ease, though his exposition of it sounded algebraic, and though he could not soothe the qualms of some members who sec in the scheme a repetition of the beet-sugar subsidy, which has sucked in so much of the taxpayers' money. The week has also seen two Parliamentary scenes. On Friday Lady Astor's tongue ran away with her, and she accused some members of being brewers' puppets until- the Speaker told her such things must not be said. The irritation she engenders is at least partly dissipated by her undoubted gallantry. On Monday the whole Opposition and many supporters of the -Government were Upset by Mr. Chamberlain's conduct of a piece of the Unemployment Bill.- They had spent a long time on one point, but not so much as to warrant more than a charge of error of judgement, and Mr. Chamberlain's charge of obstruction aroused the resentment of those who 'ere genuinely anxious to debate other points crowded out by lack of time. The real trouble is that a Committee of the whole House is a bad legislative instrument. It can only be made werkable by a time-table, and a time-table does net always work satisfactorily.