Murdered by the mutinous Sepoys at Pak-Pulton, on the Sutlej, whilst on his way to Bombay, to be married, Lieutenant Rothes Hastings Neville, of H.M.'s 81st Regiment ; in his 25th year. At Cawnpore, during the attack on the intrenched barracks, between the 5th and 27th June, Frances Money Brans, (with her two infants, Fanny Rolanda, and Frederic Gambier,) wife of Captain IT. L. Evans, Deputy-Commissioner in Oude, and eldest daughter of S. James and H. Roland& Gambier, of Ashley Lodge, Chel- tenham. They were killed by a portion of the roof of the building (struck by a cannot shot) falling upon them. On the 17th August, at Lucknow, Henrietta, wife of Captain R. P. Andaman, 25th Regiment Bengal N.I., and Assistant-Commander at Lucknow, eldest daugh- ter of the Rev. J. B. Hildebrand, of Kibworth, Leicester. Also, on the 21st, Hilda Mary, daughter of the above ; aged 7 months. On the 29th October, suddenly at Mouhnein. Burmah, through taking, by fatal mis- take, a couple of strychnine pals, intended for poisoning some pariah dogs, James C. K. Bond, Esq., youngest son of Colonel Bond, late of the Madras Artillery; in his 35th year. Two days subsequently his wife was confined with a girl. On the 27th November, at Fort William, Calcutta, of cholera, Lieutenant-Colonel J. L: R. Etooke. C.B., Knight of the Legion of Honour, commanding H.M.'s 19th Regiment; in his 35th year.
On the 29th December, at Dublin, the Lady Anna de Burgh, sister of John, late Earl of Donoughmore ; in her 724 year. On the 3d January, at Lana, County Kildare, Eneas Mitionnell, Esq., Barrister- at-law, for many years the agent of the Irish Catholics in England during the strag- gle for Catholic emancipation; in his 74th year. On the 4th, at Bloomfield Lodge, Torquay, Devonshire, Amelia Warren, relict of the Rev. Wm. Griffiths, late Vicar of fit. Taney, Cornwall ; within a feW days of her 90th birthday. Throughout Europe ape was esteemed one of the first British algologists. On the 8th, at Haverholm Priory, the Earl of Winchilsea ; in his 67th year. On the 10th, in Canonbury Square, John Thody Burkitt, Req.; in his 901k year. On the 10th, at Bath, Lieutenant-General William Smelt, C.B., Colonel 37th Be- giment ; in his 76th year. On the 11th, at the Coombe, near Penzance, Thomas Bolitho, Req.; in his 92d year.
On the 13th, at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, Richard, youngest son of the late Sir Richard Heave, Bart., of Dagnam Park, Essex, and for thy-two years Secre- tary to the above establishment; in his 85th year. Lately, at Dawlish, the Lady Mallett Vaughan, daughter of wiemott, first Earl of Lisburne.