The dispute between the Bishop of Birmingham and some of
his clergy is causing anxiety among all those who hoped and believed that there would be internal peace in the Church of England until the revision of the Prayer Book was completed. The Bishop of Birmingham has forbidden, as being illegal, such services as depend upon the reservation of the consecrated bread and wine for adoration. Those of the clergy in his diocese who have refused to obey are apparently only the vanguard of a much larger group of rebels. We find this an extremely difficult matter to discuss as we freely acknowledge the sincerity and devotion of the Anglo-Catholics and we are, moreover, in favour of the widest possible toleration. In general, our view is that there is not so much religion in England that we can afford to rule out practices from which devout persons may obtain spiritual help. It seems, however, that if the practices which the Bishop of Birmingham has condemned are illegal now they will remain illegal however the Prayer Book may be revised.
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