THE WORLD TO-DAY. (Tho World's Work, Ltd., Bedford Street. Sd.)
PROFESSOR WILLIAM BEEBE in the January number of The World To-Day writes a fascinating description of what he saw when he was diving at the bottom of the Pacific. Sunshine under water produces wonderful effects. " My range of vision
was perhaps fifty feet in every direction, but for all I could tell it might have been fifty feet or fifty miles. The sun's rays filtered down as though through the most marvellous cathedral ever imagined—intangible, oblique rays which the eye could perceive but no lip describe. With distance these became more and more luminOas, more wondrously brilliant, until rocks died away in a veritable purple glory." There is also an interesting article on " Flying over the Brazilian Jungles," by Mr. Walter Hinton, and another on " The Spirit of Fascism," by Mr. E. L. MacVeagh. The latter quotes from a docume.nt put into the hands of every aspirant to Fascist ranks. It is called the " Spiritual Rule of Discipline," and reminds one of the familiar Rules for Scouts.