A BANK DIVIDEND RAISED While most of the banking results
for the past half year have been satisfactory in character, it has .been _reserved to the National Provincial Bank to make an actual increase _in its
dividends. - Moreover,- the increase_ is important pile, the dividend having been raised to 18 per cent. for the year as compared with 16 per cent. for each year since 1914. It will be seen, therefore, that, while exhibiting a material increase over the distributions of the past few years, the National Provincial Bank is only returning to the pre-War level, and indeed it is only right to recognize the fact that, while so many leading industries profited exceedingly during the war period, bank shareholders either received reduced divi- dends or, at best, obtained the same dividends as before the War, notwithstanding the reduced purchasing power repre- sented by such dividends. That the National Provincial is in a strong position and easily able to justify the present increase is clear from the fact that the net profits for the year have risen by nearly £200,000 while, after placing £450,000 to various Special Funds, no less than £917,000 is carried forward.