[To the Editor of the firsciwroa.]
Sm,—The Archbishop of Canterbury's pastoral leiter - on " Christian Marriage " contains much excellent advice. Tlin Archbishop, however, seems to suggest that a deliberately childless marriage, if not actually sinful, is at least morally wrong. This suggestion requires examination.
Surely a childless marriage is better than no marriage at all. The Archbishop does not condemn celibacy ; how then can he deprecate the next step beyond celibacy, which is the childless marriage ? Many people for various reasons do not wish to have children. Should such people be denied the privilege of Christian marriage ?
So far as I know the Archbishop's dictum, to which I have referred, is not supported by the Canon Law of the Church of England. I submit that many deliberately childless mar- riages bring great blessings not only to the parties concerned but also to the State (and to the Church if the parties belong to the Church) which must benefit by a happy marriage whether or not it brings offspring.—I am, Sir, &c.,