16 JANUARY 1932, Page 19

The Brynmaw r Appeal List

Total acknowledged in the Spectator of January 9111 was £1,145 12s. 8d.

C. M. G., Miss Helen Sains- bury, " Ottanto.quattro," Bishop Foss, F. W. W., Mist E. N. Piesse, Miss Roscoe, Mrs. R. S. McGowan, Miss Joan W. Willis, Miss V. M. Snelling, Miss H. Lancaster; L. H. T., and J. M. T., El Is..

J. C., M. E., H. H. and R. A. Palmer, A. M. S., " An Irish Well-Wisher," Miss K, Wine. arts, Gilbert J. Arrow, Miss G. Wild, A. McCowen and C. Elroyd, Rev. Dr. Radcliffe, Mark Fenwick, J. S. Carotin, K. F. C., E. B. G. 8. and L. L. B., .G. D. Herbert, B. M. 0., G. A., H. C. B., F. M. It., £1 ; R. W. B. P., 126.6d. ; Anonymous, 10s. &I.; " Clericus," Miss B. Wads- worth, " C. E.," Miss C. Hi Osborne, Anonymous (Park- stone), Mrs. Gillespie, " From a Christmas Dinner at Wi]p- shire, nr. Blackburn," E. E. M., Canon W. H. Nor- man, H. I. C., Miss E. do B. Daly and Miss E. I. Hodge, 0. T., G. C. A., H. D., H. M. (Glasgow), Anonymous (B.—, Salterton), W. Mansbridge, 10s.; "East Anglians," 7s. ad.; C. A. A., L. M. L., H. D. L., N. M. C., Two, Anonymous Donors (Bournemouth), Miss E. C. Pemberton; Miss Isabel Orman, N. hi., A. J. Evans, Mrs. F. M. Phillips, "M. A.," 5s. ; Anonymous, Anonymous (Greenford), " Can't Send

More," " Anti-Socialist," 2s. 6d.

Anonymous, M. H. and F., A. R. G., I. E. J. (Edinburgh), " A Christmas Present," £1 10s. ; B. M., £1 2s. ; Richard Crump, 0. E. T.,

Anonymous In Memoriam G. M. E. F. .. A. P.

Wm. L. Kirby ..

R. F. White. ..

Anonymous (Tetten. hall) E. Bisiker Ivor Sant ..

Anonyous .. " Age ' Professor P. Gardner J. R.

J. R. Gimeon C. H. Morris C. W.

Anonymous (Edin- burgh) .. 2 2 George Hamilton .. 2 2 Anonymous .. 2 2 Miss Muriel Gore .. 2 2 Thomas & If S.

England _ .. 2 2 Mrs. Stratford- Andrews .. 2 2 X. D. F. (In Thank- fulness for M.) .. 2 2 M. E. H. ..2 0 J. H... 2 0

Mrs. Vernon Schuster 2 0

N. Ferguson — 2 0 Mrs. F. M. Sandwich 2 0 L. B. W. .. .. 2 0 £ s. d.

20 0 0 10 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 5 5 0 5 5 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 5

5 5 4 3

2 2 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 10 2 2 £204 10 0

Total at time of

going to press £1,350 3 2