16 JANUARY 1959, Page 28



1 Doctor takes to drink with a , consequent fog (10)

6 Tips back a whole spadeful (4) 10 The bonnet's the thing when made In this matbrial (5)

II The Victorian schoolboy's idea of a tip? (3, 6)

12 Supporter is welladvanced; what a show-off! (8) 13 At home and alone (6) 15 'What female heart can despise?' (Gray) (4)

14, Fond caress from William (4)

17 Nhout 12 inches? (5) 20 Say Ma, the hero exclaims on returning (5) 21 When — by turns was guide to —' (Tennyson) (4) 22 I declare she's true (4) 24 The first space-traveller? (6) 26 Prone about the little dog is the assailant (8) 29 Might Heyerdahl's craft have been so described? (9) 30 Mr. Rochester's field (5) 31 The two editors turn their backs on each other, it's a fact! (4) 32 Portia playfully addresses her husband in ancient Rome (4, 6) DOWN 1 A word with a proviso (5) 2 Manly lion (anag.) (9) 3 Talk is on the standard for this Oriental king (6) 4 It looks as if a Wykehamist must do an imposition! (10)

5 Proverbs for woodmen (4) 7 Four gills, no more, for the piebald (5) 8 ' "Is there anybody there?" said the —' (De In Mare) (9) 9 After a spell I get an afterthought (7)

14 Or 'The Sheep Fanciers' Gazette'? (5-5)

A firs. prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a second prize ol a hunk token for one guinea will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions op ned on Jan. 27. Address solutions: Crossword No. 1,027, 99 Gower St., London, WC1.

Chanthers's Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended for Crosswords. Solution on January 30

15 Perplexed as the result of a tumultuous glad revel (9)

18 Might it be the home-town of 20? (9) 19 A treat's in store for her (7) 23 Does the wooer meet with approval? It's in doubt (6) 25 Burns would be at home in this wee corner (5) ' 27 'Their — are breaking like thin clouds' (Macaulay) (5) 28 It solved the housing problem for an old woman (4)

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