Visit Nicaragua
Sir: Mr Mosley (Letters, 5 December) draws a lot of red herrings across his mistaken path. I criticised his first letter in which he complained that the education of the children in Nicaragua under the cus- tody of Father Cardenal, S.J., was 'indoc- trinated', presumably he meant by Marx- ism, but the only indoctrination he quoted from the school books he had read were urges to economy. He makes no reply to the main point of my letter.
He writes that I am 'very wide of the mark in writing off the opposition of the Sandinistas as terrorist members of Somo- za's National Guard'. He ignores the fact that the fighting members of the Contras are led by Colonel Bermudez, one of the heads of Somoza's National Guard, and they have been condemned for many atro- cities by Amnesty, while the few atrocities on the Sandinista side have been con- demned and punished by their own leaders.
I would advise him to read the letters of the English priest, Father Medcalf, who is organising travelling libraries (hardly Marx- ist ones) at the peril of his own life in the worst Contra area. But best of all I would advise him to visit more than once the country he writes about before he makes up his mind concerning the conditions there.
As for persecution of churchgoers I have attended Mass in Managua and I have seen religious celebrations in the streets of Leon and Catholic posters along the main roads. Graham Greene