16 JULY 1831, Page 14


WAR-OFFICE, July 12,1831.-3rd Regt. of Dragoon Guards : Cornet J. E. Dyson to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Sheppard. who retires; E. Evans, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Dyson-3rd Regt. of Foot Guards : Capt. H. Bathurst, from the 9th Foot, to be Lieut. and Capt., vice Douglas, who exchanges-out Regt. of Foot : Limit. and Capt. C. Douglas, from the 3rd Foot Guards, to be Capt. vice Bathurst, who exchanges-Nth Foot : Lieut.-Cul. M. Everard, from half-pay Unattached, to be Lieut -Col. vice Thornhill, who retires-20th Foot : Lieut. J. Maclean to be Capt. without purchase, vice Story, deceased ; Ens. E. Dalgety to be Lieut. vice Maclean ; Ens. W. Frith to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Waddell, who retires ; Gent. Cadet .1. Gates, from the Royal Military College, to be Ens. vice Dalgety ; H. Windham, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Frith-27th Foot : Ens. E. O'Grady to be Lieut. be purchase, vice Hay, promoted ; H. D. Chohneley, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice O'Grady-38th Foot : Ens. W. S. Edwards to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Willes, who retires-44th Foot : Staff.Assist-Surgenn A. APIsaac, from the half-pay, to be Assist. Sur. vice Browne appointed to the 3rd Foot-51st Foot : Major J. Campbell to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Synge, who retires ; Capt. W. H. Elliott to be Major by purchase, vice Campbell-60th Foot : to be Majors, by purchase-Capt. T. R. P. Tempest, vice Grey, promoted ; Capt. J. B. Thornhill, from the 65th Foot, vice Chichester, promoted. To be Capt. by purchase-Lieut. D. Fitzgerald, vice Tempest. To be Lieut. by purchase-Second Lieut. R. Atkins, vice Fitzgerald. To be Second Lieut. by purchase-Gent. Cadet J. Morris, from the Royal Military College, vice Atkins-65th Foot : Capt. J. R. Stepney, from the half pay, to be Capt. vice Thornhill, promoted in the 60th Foot-69th Foot : R. Sutton, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Kinchant, promoted-73rd Foot : Capt. R. Anstruther to be Major, by purchase, vice Drewe, promoted ; Lieut. 11. W. Bam- ford to be Capt. by purchase, vice Anstruther-9Sth Foot : R. P. Wallis, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Boynton, who retires.

Unattached : to be Lieut.-Cols. of Infantry, by purchase-Major R. Drewe, from the 73rd Foot ; Major C. Chichester, from the 60th Foot ; Major Hon. C. Grey, from the 60th Foot. To be Capts. of Infantry, without purchase-Lieut. D. M. Hasle- wood, from the 14th Foot ; Lieut. H. Mansell, from the 14th Foot. To be Capt. of Infantry, by purchase- Lieut. L. J. Hay, from the 27th Foot. To be Lieut. of In- fantry, by purchase-Ens. R. H. Kinchant, from the 69th Foot. The under-mentioned Officers have been allowed to retire from the service, by the sale of Unattached Commissions, viz. :-Lieut. Col. J. W. O'Donoghue, half-pay Unattached ; Maj.-Gen. J. P. Murray ; Lieut. T. Wright, half-pay 14th Fout.