The Stuff ()Per, or the Soldier of Fortune, by OLIVER
MOORE. (an assumed name), gives, as it pretends to do, a pretty correct idea of the life of a military man, who may have been tossed about in the army for the last thirty or forty years. The scene lies in Ire- land, the great field of British military adventure, and in the. Colonies, the other scene of British warfare ; and the anecdotes— for it is a book of character and anecdote—have generally the ad- vantage of being true, and told under real names. In short, the Staff Officer is a combination of the novel with the autobiography or the experience of the author: Its only praise is,that under one form or another, it contains a good deal of truth. It is not a clever work, nor yet a very moral one ; but it may be read by people of" the world without much harm, and perhaps with some interest.