The Nightingale's Death-Song. Written by Mrs. HEMANS, and composed by
This is a production of extraordinary merit, and as unlike as possible to the trash which our music-venders. contrive to dispose of in such quantities, by the help of gaudy vignettes of short-petticoated actresses,. by whom these precious ditties. are sung " with unbounded applause." This song, we suspect, will not be sung by any actress; but every lady of taste and feeling who-sings it to a circle of lovers of what is truly beautiful in music, will he-sure to delight her hearers: The great pro- gress which music hasmade among- the dilettanti of this country, has of late been frequently remarked, and the compositions of our amateurs held up. as objects of emulation to our professional artists. Among these amateurs Mr. L000e.holdsn distinguished place s and the song: before usis a fine specimen of his genius.- If we had heard k without know- ing the author, we should have ascribed it to the highly-gifted FELIX MENDELSSOHN ; for it possesses the same tenderness, the same discrimi- nation in the expression of the words, and the same delicacy and refine- ment in the accompaniment, which are so remarkable in the works of that excellent composer.