The English Stock Market continued in a depressed state from the re- peated operation of sales of Stock for Money ; but the price had not till yester- day morning fallen more than k per cent below the closing quotations of last week, when, immediately on the commencement of business, the price declined from 91 to 90i. It was soon known that a pigeon-express had beenreceived bringing intelligence of a decline of 2 per cent in the prices of the French Funds on Wednesday last; and it was reported that a change had taken place in the French Mirdstry, and that M. GIIIZOT had retired from office. When the death of the Duke of ORLEANS, the real deplorable cause of tbe decline of the French Funds, was known, our market became firmer : prices were in the course of the day at an advance of nearly if per cent from the extreme point i.eie.ession. Inis Improvement was nut, however, long aupporteu ; awl the quotations at the close were fully 1 per cent below the last prices of the pre- vious day. There were symptoms of improvement again this morning ; and Console for Money, which hail been 904, were done at 904: but the market receded as soon as it was known that the French Three per Cents, which had been as low as 76 on Wednesday night, had in the course of yesterday risen but slightly, and closed at 76 90: it, however, rallied again in the afternoon, and closes at the highest price. The general result of the operations of the last two days has been to establish the current quotations of the English Funds about I per cent below those of last week ; though Three per Cent Consols and Reduced were at one period at a depression of 14 per cent below our last quotations. The market is heavy this after- noon, and its fluctuations must fur the present be guided by those of the French Funds.. It. may seem strange that the recent tragical event should have produced any alarm among the English stockholders; but its future con- sequences to France may be direful, as, in the event of the death of Louis PHILIPPE, the new dynasty of the house of Orleans would be exposed to all the dangers incidental to the long minority- of an infant Sovereign. The effects of the last French Revolution upon our Public Securities are so fresh in the re- membrance of our capitalists as to lead them to view with instinctive alarm any event that may be supposed to accelerate another convulsion. The settlement of the Consol Account occurred today ; and though there was a considerable pressure of Stock upon the market, money is so plentiful that the continuation has never exceeded 4 per cent : the interest thus paid by the speculators to carry over their stock till 25th August dues not exceed 34 per cent. There has been
defaulter in the English House today, but his liabilities are quite trifling. The premium upon Exchequer Bills continues the same ; viz. 488. to 50s. for those at 24d., and 46s. to 48s. for those at 2d. per day.
The transactions in the Foreign Market have not been extensive. The de- cline of the English Funds has produced a corresponding movement in most of the current varieties, and the Dividend-paying European Stocks are all from 4 to 1 per cent lower. The Non-dividend Bonds are also lower, without any transactions of importance having occurred. An impulse was given to Mexican Bonds by the arrival on Monday of 58,000 dollars on account of the Dividends ; thus completing the sum necessary to pay the dividend due in October next. The price of-the Bonds, which then rose to 364, has since given way about 4 per cent. Portuguese Bonds have continued in a depressed state; in the almost total absence of business. The Spanish have been in the same state, and the transactions as unimportant.
The basiness of the Railway Share Market has been more extensive than last week ; but some of those shares which improved slightly towards the close of the week have not supported the improved quotations. South-eastern and Dover Shares, which were on Saturday at 24, have been today at 214, and the New Shares at 23 discount. Blackwall are also lower, and have today fallen to 84. Brighton are firmer, and are about 34.
Several sales of Exchequer Bills have occurred in the course of the after- noon, and the price has fallen nearly 5s. ; those bearing an interest of 2.1d. per day having been depressed to 438., and those at 2d. per day to 42s. The former have improved, and close at 448. to 46s.; and the latter at 42s. to 448. prem. The English Funds have receded about 4 per cent, Consols for Account being 904 1, while for Money the price is. 904 3. In the Foreign Market, the only variation that has occurred has been in Mexican Bonds, which have been in demand and close at 364 4. There has also been little inquiry for Portuguese Bonds, without the occurrence of any business of importance. The Railway Shares are firmer. In addition to our morning's quotations, we have to notice the following business in the Railway Shares—Edinburgh and Glasgow, 44 45; Eastern Counties, ; Great Western, 86; Ditto New, 614; Brighton, 344 4; Blackwell, 94; Greenwich, 6; South-western, 614; Midland Coun- ties, New, DI. Banks—London and Westminster, 22; National of Ireland, 154 ex div. 3 per Cent. Consols
Ditto for Account
3 per Cent Reduced 3+ per Cent Ditto New ai per Cents
The English Funds are materially better this morning, the present quota- tions shoeing an advance of 4 per cent on the opening price. The premium upon Exchequer Bills and money is more plentiful than yesterday.
The business of the Foreign Market has been trifling, but the current va- rieties are firmer at the closing prices of yesterday, and in some cases at a alight advance.
There is rather a better demand for Railway Shares today. South-eastern and Dover are 224 3; New Ditto, 24 to 4 dis. ; Blackwell are 9 to : the other transactions have been, Bristol and Exeter, 41; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 3; Brighton, 34; New Ditto, 74. Union Bank of Australia, 53; Ditto of Lon- don, 94.
901 4 ' Columbian 6 per Cents 214 4 1 Danish 3 per Cents 814 -91 4 Dutch 24 per Cents... .. * 504 11
.1004 I Mexican 5 per Cents &Bd. _361 I
99} 4 Portuguese Regency 5 perCts. .33 I . Rank stuck - - . 1651 Ditto New 5-per Cents 1841; 27 4 ' • Exchequer Bills; 2-.1d. .. prem 44 46 Ditto 3 per Cents ' ' 19 4 Ditto t'd do. * 4 Russian 5 per Cents 113 114 India Stock - 2481 9 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 201 1 Brazilian 5 per Cents ...prem 644 54 Ditto 3 per Gents 1842 201 1
-Belgian 5 per Cents 101 2