Tuesday, July 12.
Wheelwright and Randall, Finsbury Square. surgeons-Moore and Allnalt, Wimborne Wieder. Dorsetshire. attornies-Mitchell and Rolland. Milldletou. Lancashire. eugi• steers-W. and G. B. Harnett& grocers-- Farrell and Grimmer. Great Ormond Street, Queeu Square, tailors-Williams and Champion, Friday Street. wholesale fur-mannfac. turers-W. C.ovedell. senior, and W. Cowden junior. Hinckley. Leicestershire. attornies -Evans and Duff, Stockbridge. Southampton. carpenters-Calley and Liugham. Bir- mingham, buttou-manufacturers-Town aud Co.Ardwick. Lancashire. dyers ; as far as regards Town. Crabtree, and Smith-Bolton and Miller, Albany Street. Regent's Park, corn-dealers - Wray and Greases. Leeds fruit- merchants-Daly and Co. Uppe r Thames Street, iron-merchants-,G. and W. Giles, Birmingham. engine-turners-Boyle and Easthope, Ludgate Hill, cabinet-makers-R. and C. Retsey, West Cowes, Hampshire,
sail-makers. INSOLVENTS.
JEFFREYS. HARRY CoLLnes, Much Wenlock, Shropshire, miller, July 12. MONDAY, THOMAS HENRY, Fere Street. Cripplegate, bookseller, July 7. BArnuturreT ANNULLED.
HEYWOOD, Hester, Basiughall Street. Londan. warebouserean.
BARBOUR, DAVID, and NORRIS. Jotter, Liverpool, soap-boilers, to surrender July 23, Aug. 23: solicitors. Messrs. Holme and Co. New Inn; and Mr. Booker. Liverpool. VLEGO, Joust. Manchester, riband.manufacturer, July %. Aug. 23: solicitors, Messrs. .5olinston and Co. Temple. and Messrs. Bagshaw and Stevenson. Manchester. DegLacnee. Lewis. Old Burlington Street. picture-dealer, July 26, Aug. 23: soli-
ide. Watford, Grafton Street, Bond Street ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Ikeda:Wes Place.
firmware. THOMAS, Bath. innkeeper. July 28. Aug. 23: solicitors, Messrs. Jones and Blaxton.Ccosby Square; and Mr. Hellings, Bath.
EVANS, JA.MES. Darweu, iron-founder, July 25, Aug. 23: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; and Mr. Blain Manchester.
FISHER, Jeans, Chorlton-npon-Medlock. draper, July 20, Aug. 23: solicitors. Mr. Appleby, Aldermanburv; and Mr. Oliver. Manchester.
Gamin Hiner, Moorgate Street. merchant, July 22. Aug. 23: solicitor, Mr. Boxer, Moorgate Street; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. Houreatevs, Priam. Cholmondely, builder. July 30, Aug. 23: solicitors, Messrs. Harper and Jones. Whitchurch ; and Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood, Temple. Jacesoe, SAMUEL. Newcastle upon-Tyne, Aug. 4, 23: solicitors, Messrs. Jones and Cook, Gray's Inn.
DIESSITER, EDWARD STEPHENS and FREDERICK. MUIMeSbIlTy. tailors. Aug. I, 26: so- licitors, Millard and Adams. Cordwaiuers' Hall; and Mr. Chubb, Malmesbury. PARR, WiLuAn, Smallthorn. Staffordshire, shopkeeper, July 26, Aug. 23: solicitors, Mr. Wolston, Furnival's Inn; aud Messrs. J. and W. Ward, Burstein.
WILLIAMS, RICHARD, Abington. Gloucestershire. farmer. July 27, Aug. M: -tors, Blower and Vizard, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and James and Son, Newnham.
Aug. 4. Parker and Co. Birchin Lane. merchants-Aug. 4. Hem Holborn. hatter- Sept. 6, Porter, Honiton, victualler-Aug. 4, Reward, Bridlington Quay, timber-mer- -chant-Aug. 5, J. and T. Turner, New Mill, Yorkshire, clothiers.
Ti, be granted, unless cause be Mown to the contrary. on or before Aug. 2. Holland, Manchester. calico-manufacturer-Barnes. Shincliffe, Durham. fire-brick- -manufacturer-Hare, Corby. Lincolnshire. liquor-merchant-Byng, Old Windsor, en- giueer-Telfer, Praed Street, Paddington. smith -Briggs, Blackburn. cotton-spinner- Cartwright and Co. Wigan, cotton spinners-Hayward, Milverton. Warwickshire, miller-Ball, Paternoster Row, bookseller-Hill and Wackerbarth, Leadenhall Street, insuranoe agents-Dykes, Broad Street, St. Giles's, stationer.
Memnon, Jetts, Glasgow, bookseller July 15, Aug. 12.
Friday, July 15.
Collatteh and Co. Brighton, wine-merchants-Chuppell and Hodges. Seymour Street, Tinton Square, linendrapers-Herbert and Watkins. Bristol, eheesemougers-Bow den and Clapham. Kingston-upon-Hull, merchants-Downes and Co. Laurence Pountney Lane, tea-dealers-hlansford and Barter. Bath, surgeons-Rock aud Baxter. Rathbone Place, coach-builders-Allen aud Co. Manchester. merchants ; us far as regards Jona- than Allen-S., .W.. and J. Lockwood. Sheffield. ille-mattufacturers ; as far us regards J. Lockwood senior-B.. J.. and T. Drewry, Nottingham, joiners-Harvey and Chick. Sidnundb. maltsters-Greenshields and -Co. Liverpool. rnerchauts-Warburg and Dieseldorff, Little Tower Street. merchants-Wood and Co. Mark I.aue, hop-mer- chants; as far as regards Sir M. Wood-J. and B. Gibbons. Brierley Hill. Stafford- shire, iron-masters-J. and A. Hodgkinson, Morley. corn dealers-WNichtill and Tinker. Liverpool, engineers-Horton and Turner, Stafford, boot-manufacturers-S. and B. Thompson. Brewer Street, wax-chandlers-Marston and Co. Liverpool ; as far as regards J. F. Marston-Bleaden and Choules. Southend. hotel-keepers-F. and J. Floyd, Greeuwich, farmers-Hook and Cole. Westbury-upon-Severn, c.arpenters-Be- tenson and Rundle, .St. German's. Cornwall. lime-burners-Underwood and Halls, Colchester, liuendrapers-Adshead and Scott. Manchester, hosiers-Hardy and Bar-
ker. Mauchester. curriers-Bramalt and Co. Harbone. Birmingham, engineers-Barron-and Emery, Lad Lane. warehousemen-Williams and Co. Plymouth, spirit-dealers -Rotten and Scholefield, Birmingham. brassfounders.
GRAY, HENRY TRIMBEY• Commercial Road East, ropemaker, July 14. JOLLIFFE, Wmtutm Lawn. Portsea, grocer, July 14. SAWARD, WILLIAM, St. Leonard's, near Boulogne, corn-merchant, July 15. BANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEDED.
WADE, JOSEPH, Rugby. currier. Watacre, Mean SAntier.; Great St. Helen's, India-rubber-manufacturer.
BOWER, ALEXANDER. Basford, Staffordshire, banker, to surrender Aug. 10, 26: soli- citors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; and Messrs. Higson and Son, Manchester.
BRAYSHAW. CHIUSTOPHEII, Great Castle Street, Regent Street, tailor, July 22. Aug. 26: solicitors, Rutter and Trotter, Ely Place; official assignee, Mr. Alsager. Birchiu Lane.
DOWNING, WILLIAM. Sheffield, draper, July 29, Aug. 26 solicitors, Mr. Wilson, South- ampton Street, Bloomsbury Square; and Messrs. Wilson and Younge, or Mr. Pierson, Sheffield.
Franceee, Wrtzrara, Birmingham, oilman, July %. Aug. 26: solicitors, Messrs. Austen and Hobson, Gray's Inn; and Mr. Reece, Birmingham. GREEN. EDMUND Fearing, Leadenhall Street, merchant. July 26, Aug. 26: solicitor, Mr. Borradaile, King's Arms Yard ; official assignee. Mr.Turquand Copthall Buildings.
Liaison, Joint HANFORD, Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, grocer, July 25, Aug. 26: so- licitors, Messrs. Campbell and Witty, Essex Street, Strand; and Mr. Fox, Nottingham.
LEDIARD, Timing, Cirencester, mon ey-scrivener, July 25, Aug. 26: solicitors, Messrs. Jones and Co. John Street, Bedford Row ; aud Mr. Mullins, Cirencester.
MiLI.s.V1LLrAM, Catterham, Surrey. innholder, July 26. Aug.:26: solicitors. Messrs. Dyne. 'Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs. Drummond and Suns, Croydon; official as- signee, Mr.'Groom, Abchurch Lane.
Moss, Emsee:Liverpool, draper, July 28. Aug. 26: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple- and Mr. Winstanley, Manchester. PALMER. hue Weeron.01i1 Beckenham, Norfolk, grocer, July 23. Aug. 26 : solici- tors, Mr. Storey, Gray's Inn.; and Mr. Fillett, Norwich.
Roo:mu. EDWARD Great Watley. Worcestershire, surgeon, July 30, Aug. 26: solidi-
toll'. Mr. BenbowAincoln's Inn; and Messrs. Wormall and Prichard, Stourport.
_ WATSON. GEORGE HENRY, Bayswater. apothecary, July 21, Aug. 26: solicitors. NICSIMIL Warner, and Broughton, Falcon Square; official' assignee, Mr. Turquand, Copthall
Builffings. 'DIVIDENDS.
Aug.6, Bryant Stamford Hill, coal-merchant-Aug. 6, Speeehley, Fenchurch Street, eammiseion agent-Aug. 6, Webb, Knightsbridge Terrace, wine-merchant-Aug. 8, tbb, Alnwick, ctutrier-Aug. 22, Heywood. Heaton Norris. eottou-spinner -Aug. 8, Martin. Beccles, carpenter-Aug. 5, J. and It Noble, Brighouse, Yorkshire. cloth- ffabibers-Aug. 13, Jackson, Leeds, woollen cloth-merchant-Aug. 8, Cook, Liverpool, rope-maker-Aug. 9, Wilson, Lindley, Yorkshire. cluth-manufecturer-Ang. 12. lirookd, Leeds. grocer-Aug. 9. Price. Shrewsbury, banker- Aug. 8. Willett and Co. Thetford, hankers -Aug. 9, H. and R. Hililyard, Brig. Lincolnshire, wine-merchants-Aug. 11, Elliot, Derby. currier -Aug. 12. Lorymer. Bristol, brewer.
To be granted. unless cause be shown to Me contrary. on or before Aug. 5. May, Newport. Isle of Wight. mercer-Hopkins, Worcester. currier-Iforsnait, Dover, carpenter -Darbyshire. Manchester, calico-printer-Whitelread. Leamington Priors. cattle-salesman- Proctor and Appleby. Longport. commou-brewers -A. and J. Phillips, Whitechapel Road. window-glass cutters-Bower, Wilmslow, Cheshire. cot- too-spinner-Rogers. Hinton. linendraper -Slyer'. Great Tower Street, tea broker:.
Rousts, Arrenew. St. Audrews. writer, July 22. Aug. 19. EDGAR. JACOB Dixem, Castle Douglas. merchant, July 21, Aug. 12.
EMILIE, ALEXANDER, Edinburgh, tavern-keeper. July 21, Aug. 18.
Fusses. JOHN. Glasgow, bookseller, July 19. Aug. 9.
MiLLAs. Joule and ANDREW. Edinburgh. bone dust-manufacturers. Silly 20. Aug. 19. Muse. Demo, and 1.ame, Smut. Glasgow. builders, July 21, Aug. 18.
Raz, Ione, Whilburn, innkeeper, July 20. Aug. 10. WALLACE, JAMES. GIAPOW, IllittlUfaCtIlTeTS. July 21. Aug. 11.