16 JULY 1842, Page 7

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THE Court has retreated to the quiet of Claremont ; which is hence- forth, saith the Globe, to be called the Palace at Esher. The Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Hereditary Prince and Princess of Saxe Coburg Gotha, and escorted by a party of Hussars, left Buck- ingham Palace, in a carriage and four, at three o'clock on Saturday. The infants and the suite followed in three other carriages and four. The courtly authority already quoted says of her Majesty, "Almost daily is she out with the Prince ; often walking on the Common, laugh- ing, and enjoying this rural retreat." The little Princess rides on a pony ; and the Prince of Wales is carried out every day.

The Queen and Prince Albert, with their guests, rode over to Hampton Court yesterday morning. The Queen and Princess returned to Clare- mont. Prince Albert and his brother came to town : the Prince presided at a meeting of the Commissioners for the encouragement of the Fine Arts ; after which they returned to Claremont. The Dutchess of Kent witnessed the performance of Rossini's Stabat Mater at the St. James's Theatre on Monday. On Wednesday, her Royal Highness went to Claremont on a visit to the Queen ; returning cm Thursday. The Queen Dowager, with the Duke and Dutchess and Hereditary Prince of Saxe Meiningen, arrived at Marlborough House from Bushy Park on Saturday ; and in the evening went to the Italian Opera, On Monday, the party visited the Duke of Sussex; and received visits from the Dutchess of Kent and the Dutchess and Princess Augusta of Cambridge. On Tuesday, they visited the Queen and Prince Albert at Claremont, and partook of a dejeuner ; the Duke and Dutchess and Prince of Saxe Meiningen taking leave of Queen Victoria, The Dutchess of Kent repaired to Marlborough House at an early hoar on Wednesday, to make her adieus to the departing guests ; who were accompanied down the river to Greenwich by the Queen Dowager. Having visited the Hospital, they took an affectionate leave of their illustrious relative ; and departed in two carriages for Dover, on their way to the Continent. Queen Adelaide went to Bushy.

The Duke of Cambridge attended a review on Wimbledon Common on Monday. On Tuesday, his Royal Highness took the railway-train f a- Bristol, to join in the agricultural festivities there. He returned to. town yesterday.

The Dutchess of Cambridge and the Princess Augusta went to the Italian Opera on Monday and Tuesday ; Prince George accompanying them on Tuesday. The Dutchess of Gloucester left town Thursday, for her residence at Bagshot. We are given to understand from authority, that the Court will go into mourning next week for the late Duke of Orleans. The Royal Family will wear mourning immediately.—Court Circular, July 16.