16 JULY 1842, Page 8

their stead in cases of illness, accident, or unavoidable absence;

but no such privilege is possessed by county Coroners, however requisite and useful it might be both to those functionaries and the inhabitants.— Times.

The widow of Charles James Fax died last Friday, at St. Anne's Hill, near Chertsey. It is said that she was married to Mr. Fox in 1780, or according to other accounts not till 1794; but she had lived in his house some years before the marriage was acknowledged. He died in 1806 and the widow has therefore survived thirty-eight years. She -Would have completed her ninety-fifth year on Monday.

A correspondent observes, that while the Legislature is providing for the Queen's safety, it would be well if her personal attendants took ordinary precautions for her security. At Windsor, last year, a mad woman waited nearly every day for some time, in the crowd at the bottom of the declivity near the gate leading to the Long Walk : her madness consisted in thinking that she was the Queen of England, and Queen Victoria an impostor. Now a sudden addition to her phreusy might have caused an outbreak ; and if she had merely rushed forward and frightened the horses at that spot, it would certainly have led to mischief. The Queen was then about to give birth to her first child. Yet, though the woman's ease was generally known, and she invariably presented herself when the Queen appeared, not a soul seemed to watch her!

A " hosffle meeting" took place yesterday morning, in the neigh- bourhood of Osterley Park, between the Honourable Craven Berkeley, M.P., and Captain Bolder°, M.P. In Wednesday's Morning Chronicle appeared a paragraph, signed M., imputing to Captain Boldero the utterance of certain words disrespectful to the Queen, during a conver- sation in the Lobby of the House of Commons. The Captain sent a circular to several gentlemen who were present, requesting their ver- sion of the matter : and here is Mr. Liddell's, substantially confirmed by the replies of Mr. W. Thompson, Mr. Beriah Botfield, Sir Charles Douglas, and Mr. William Cripps- " Mr. Craven Berkeley, in a tone something between joking and earnest, and fa a noisy manner, questioned you as to what your conduct would be if a man were to damn the Queen in your presence at a convivial meeting ? ' The ques- tion appeared to have reference to other discourse which bad passed between you, and which I had not beard ; and I think allusion was made to a similar -coarse expression, hypothetically applied to Sir Robert Peel or the Duke of Wellington. Your reply was both calm and judicious, and to this effect, almost in these very words: you said that you should take no notice of it at the time, if the man was drunk; but that you should call upon him the next morning, tell him that he had made a fool of himself the night before, and that you gave him the opportunity of expressing his contrition now that he was sober and had had time for reflection.' It is needless to repeat what followed from Mr. Craven Berkeley ; but I am prepared to state, upon oath, if necessary, that you never deviated from the sense or substance of the reply quoted." Captain Bold ero then entered into a correspondence with Mr. Berkeley. Mr. Berkeley disclaimed being the author of the paragraph in the news- paper, or being privy to its publication ; but added, that Captain Boldero's -words were, "If any man in my presence, drunk or sober, was to damn the Queen, I should take no notice of it—I am no eavesdropper" ; and he adds, that he copied the words from a memorandum which he wrote at the time and which he showed to Lord Palmerston and Mr. James Howard (Malmesbury) before the ink was dry. The Captain had inti- mated that Mr. Berkeley must either have laboured under a most extra- ordinary failure of memory, or must have intentionally perverted the tree facts of the case; on which Mr. Berkeley referred his corre- spondent to his " friend " Mr. Ridley Colborne. Mr. Colborne pro- posed to Mr. Mackenzie, the "friend" of the opposite party, to record a disclaimer of any imputation on Captain Boldero's loyalty of inten- tion, but adhering to the words. That was not satisfactory : the meet- ing took place ; shots were exchanged, without effect ; and the matter remains where it was before the reciprocation of bullets.

The Moderator of the Strathbogie Presbytery has received a letter from Sir James Graham, intimating to the majority of that Presbytery -that they would be protected in all their rights and privileges ; and -that, in any legal measures they were forced to have recourse to, they must apply to the Crown Agent, who had directions to do whatever was requisite for their interests.—Correspondent of the life Herald.

The duties paid on goods cleared at the Customhouse since the new Customs Act came into operation amount, it is said, to some hundred thousands of pounds—nearly half a million. This is a very large amount to draw from the reduced duties in so short a time, and most probably exaggerated to a very great amount ; possibly overstated one- half the actual sum, when we remember that Sir Robert Peel calculated on a loss of revenue from the change in the single article of coffee alone equal to 237,000L, and of 171,000/, after allowing for increase of consumption. But a considerable resuscitation of business in the Cus- tomhouse was naturally to be looked for at present. The bonded ware- houses have been choke-full of goods, waiting for the benefit of the reduced duties ; and the past stagnation is, as everybody expected, fol- lowed by a temporary activity in our inland trade.—Morning Chronicle.

The genial rains last week proved beneficial to the crops and the thirsting vegetation. The heat has been far from excessive ; and the rain has only caused a very partial interruption to the hay-harvest. The turnip and wheat crops have benefited to a great extent. The crops, generally, are described as very promising ; but the wheat in some districts is unusually thin, probably from the scarcity of rain during the opening months of the spring. In Ireland complaints are made of too much rain.

Intelligence reached London, on Thursday morning, of the sudden death- of the Duke of Orleans, at Neuilly, on Wednesday afternoon ; tut off in the flower of life by a fatal accident. The event is thus nar- fated by the Gazette de France- " This day, at half-past twelve, the Duke of Orleans, who was to have set out in the course of the day for Plombieres, where the Dutchess is at present, vas returning from Neuilly, after having taken leave of his family; when, at a Attie distance from the Porte Maillot, the horses of his carriage, dragging it with them, ran off in spite of the efforts of the groom, threatening to overturn it into the lower side of the road. The Duke, to escape the danger, threw him- self out of the carriage ; but so unfortunately that his spurs (some say his sword) got entangled in his travelling-cloak. This occasioned a fall, by whack the Prince received sonic contusions on the temple and the wrist. A conges- tion of the brain was produced by the shock. lie remained senseless on the road; and was taken up and carried into the nearest house, occupied by a grocer; whither assistance speedily arrived from the Tuileries. Be was bled almost immediately, but never recovered consciousness. Dr. Baurny, who was there, went into the house, and assisted Dr. Pasquier, the Prince's physician, ii he arrived from Paris.

"Louis Philippe, Madame Adelaide, and the Duke d'Aumale, arrived from Neuilly and Courbevoie almost immediately. An ecclesiastic of St. Philip du Boole and the Cure of Neuilly were sent for. They could only administer extreme unction. The Prince died at three o'clock, in the house into which he had been carried, No. 4 Chemin de la Revoke. His body was carried to the Château of Neuilly, and deposited in the chapel. " All the Ministers immediately repaired to -Neuilly, and also Marshal Gerard and General Pajol. A Council of Ministers was held. "The Duke d'Aumale, who was at Courbevoie, baying received intelligence of the accident which bad happened to his brother, wished to come to him in a hired carriage : but the carriage having broken down on the road, the young Prince proceeded on foot to reach his dead or dying brother. "The Prince was setting cut tor Nancy, from whence he was to go to Plombieres, where the Dutcheis is at present He had expressed great joy at his journey, and great preparations were made in several towns, lie was to have taken the command of a camp of 40,000 men. 'Who can reckon on to- morrow?

"This year has been remarkable for such lessons: Marshal Clause), M. Humann, M. Aguado, Admiral Dumont d'Urville, and now the Duke of Or- leans !"

The Mon iteur Parisien describes the manner in 'which the body was borne to the chapel- " The body of the Duke of Orleans was placed on a litter, and carried by soldiers to the chapel of the Château of Neuilly. The King, the Queen, Madame Adelaide, and the Duke d'Aumale followed on foot the melancholy train, which was escorted by a battalion of the Seventeenth Light Regiment. The soldiers had tears in their eyes. Behind the litter, mingled with the mem- bers of the Royal Family, walked the Ministers, officers of all ranks, citizene of every class, who had gathered on the first news of the catastrophe. Some ecclesiastics, who had also followed the procession, recited prayers beside the Royal deceased."

The Paris funds were very injuriously affected by the event : the Three per Cents fell as low as 76 francs, and closed at 76 francs 5 cents.

We cannot resist mentioning a coincidence interesting to ourselves at the time it happened, and still more so at the present moment ; and we will but do so in the words in which a member of our establishment has recalled it to our recollection. " The late Duke of Orleans called at the Times office of see the printing-machine in the morning on which the French express was received containing the ordinance of Charles the Tenth which occasioned the Revolution and seated the present King of the French on the throne."— Times.

The French elections proceed, with no marked or certain result. The Conservatives keep ahead ; but it is said by those who affect the closest insight, that the section of M. Dnfaure and M. Passy gains at the expense of B. Guizot. M. Dafaure is for augmenting the naval strength of France, and assuming an attitude of hostile rivalry with England. The Journal des Dehats of Wedsesday thus states the re- sults then known. On Tuesday evening, 420 nominations were de- clared; of which 249 were Conservative and 173 Opposition. Of the Conservatives, 49 have retired, or have not been reZlected ; 46 are newly elected. Of the Opposition, 35 have not become candidates, or have been thrown out ; the party gaining 33. The Opposition has three returns of M. Dupont de l'Eure, and four double returns— Messrs. Berryer, De Morney, Billaud, and De Thiard : the Conservative party one double return, of M. de Salvandy. The elections for Paris have gone against the Government, twelve of the fourteen Deputies belonging to the Opposition.

A report was current at Constantinople, on the 22d of June, that despatches had been sent to the British Admiral commanding the Medi- terranean squadron, directing him to join the French fleet on the Syrian coast.

A large portion of the suburbs of Constantinople, Galata and Pera, inhabited by poor Jews, had been destroyed by a fire on the 19th. Three hundred houses were reduced to ashes, and five hundred families were ruined.

Intelligence has been received by the packet-ship Hibernia from New York city, to the 23d June. The Tariff Bill had passed a second reading in the Senate ; and was in Committee ; but it was said that the President was determined to veto it, and that a message to Congress; to that effect was prepared and might be expected to be made publig in a few days. The state of the money and cotton markets was without change. The negotiations of Lord Ashburton were still proceeding. His interviews with Mr. Webster are said to be frequent and long.

The stage in which Mr. Van Buren was travelling, says a New York paper, was upset a few days ago near Plainfield, Indiana, and the es- President was slightly injured in the shoulder. The other passengers escaped.

A report bad been received that St. Domingo had been the scene of a revolution. The New York papers say-

" The Philadelphia Evening Journal of Tuesday learns from Captain Hill, of the brig William Thatcher, which arrived there from St. Croix on Satur- day, which place she left on the 7th instant, that just before his departure he was informed by one of the most respectable citizens of St. Croix, that letters had just been received by an arrival from St. Domingo, giving the important information that a revolution had taken place in the island ; that President Boyer had been deposed, and either had been or would be put to death. In the hurry of departure, Captain Bill did not make very particular inquiries. The impression, however, is strong on his mind that his informant said that President Boyer had been put to death ; but of this he is not positive."