Both Houses of Parliament met today, at half past twelve
o'clock ; and in the House of Lords, the Royal assent was given by Commission to the Protection of the Queen's Person Bill, the British Possessions Abroad Bill, the Stock in Trade Exemption Bill, the Indemnity of Witnesses (Sudbury) Bill, the London Bridge Approaches Bill, and several private bills. The House of Lords adjourned directly after- wards.
In the House of Commons, in reply to a string of questions from Mr. RICARDO, Lord ASHLEY, MY. HAWKS, and Mr. VERNON SMITH, Sir Jaatus GRAHAM said that there had been some disturbance in the Pot- teries, but that a very small force from Newcastle had put it down ; that Government had, for the present, abandoned their intention to intro- duce a bill for the regulation of mills and factories, as there will not be ding, this session ; that the same was the case with respect to any mea- stme9for the improvement of the law relating to Ecclesiastical Courts ; lont,that the Ecclesiastical Leases Bill would be proceeded with. 71e House went into Committee on the Licensed Lunatic Asylums
• the several clauses of which were agreed to ; the Fisheries (Ire- Bill passed through Committee ; and the House adjourned at five ,ock till Monday.